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This is my solution to the ML4T course exercises. The main page for the course is here. The page contains a link to the assignments. There are eight projects in total.

To set up the environment I have installed the following packages on my Linux Manjaro based system.

sudo pacman -S python-pandas --asdeps python-pandas-datareader python-numexpr \
               python-bottleneck python-jinja python-scipy python-matplotlib  \

I am also using the wonderful mplfinance. You can install mplfinance via pip and find the tutorial here.

pip install mplfinance --user

Use unzip with the -n flag to extract the archives for the different exercises. This makes sure that you do not override any of the existing files. I might add a makefile to automize this later.

unzip -n zips/20Spring_martingale.zip -d ./
unzip -n zips/19fall_optimize_something.zip -d ./
