Fork 0

Finish first version of DTLearner. Needs testing.

Felix Martin 2020-09-23 16:15:22 -04:00
parent f823029a50
commit 51b2c9ceb0
2 changed files with 65 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -13,9 +13,36 @@ class DTLearner(object):
def author(self):
return 'felixm' # replace tb34 with your Georgia Tech username
def create_node(self, factor: int, split: int, left: int, right: int):
return np.array((factor, split, left, right))
def create_node(self, factor, split_value, left, right):
return np.array([[factor, split_value, left, right], ])
def get_max_correlation(self, xs, y):
""" Return the index of the column x of xs that has the highest
absolute correlation with y. I would like to get a scalar value from
np.corrcoef instead of a matrix, so I use [0, 1] to get a scalar value
from the matrix. """
# This should deliver the same result, but does not. I am not willing
# to investigate right now.
# a = np.argmax([abs(np.corrcoef(xs[:,i], y)[0, 1])
# for i in range(xs.shape[1])])
i_max = 0
corr_max = 0
for i in range(xs.shape[1]):
corr_matrix = np.corrcoef(xs[:, i], y=y)
corr = corr_matrix[0, 1]
corr = abs(corr)
if corr > corr_max:
corr_max = corr
i_max = i
return i_max
def make_tree_absolute(self, tree):
for i in range(tree.shape[0]):
if tree[i, 2] == self.NA:
tree[i, 2] = i + tree[i, 2]
tree[i, 3] = i + tree[i, 3]
return tree
def build_tree(self, xs, y):
assert(xs.shape[0] == y.shape[0])
@ -25,14 +52,24 @@ class DTLearner(object):
return self.create_node(self.LEAF, y[0], self.NA, self.NA)
if np.all(y[0] == y):
return self.create_node(self.LEAV, y[0], self.NA, self.NA)
return self.create_node(self.LEAF, y[0], self.NA, self.NA)
# XXX: continue here
y = np.array([y])
correlations = np.corrcoef(xs, y, rowvar=True)
i = self.get_max_correlation(xs, y)
split_value = np.median(xs[:,i])
return 0
select_lt = xs[:, i] <= split_value
select_rt = xs[:, i] > split_value
# Avoid case where all values are low or equal to the median.
if select_lt.all() or select_rt.all():
select_lt = xs[:, i] < split_value
select_rt = xs[:, i] >= split_value
lt = self.build_tree(xs[select_lt], y[select_lt])
rt = self.build_tree(xs[select_rt], y[select_rt])
root = self.create_node(i, split_value, 1, rt.shape[0] + 1)
root = np.concatenate([root, lt, rt])
return root
def addEvidence(self, data_x, data_y):
@ -40,12 +77,20 @@ class DTLearner(object):
@param dataX: X values of data to add
@param dataY: the Y training values
if self.verbose:
self.tree = self.build_tree(data_x, data_y)
self.rel_tree = self.build_tree(data_x, data_y)
# self.abs_tree = self.make_tree_absolute(self.rel_tree)
def query_point(self, point):
node_index = 0
while self.rel_tree[node_index, 0] != self.LEAF:
node = self.rel_tree[node_index]
split_factor = int(node[0])
split_value = node[1]
if point[split_factor] <= split_value:
node_index += int(node[2])
node_index += int(node[3])
return self.rel_tree[node_index, 1]
def query(self, points):
@ -53,8 +98,9 @@ class DTLearner(object):
@param points: should be a numpy array with each row corresponding to a specific query.
@returns the estimated values according to the saved model.
# return (self.model_coefs[:-1] * points).sum(axis = 1) + self.model_coefs[-1]
query_point = lambda p: self.query_point(p)
r = np.apply_along_axis(query_point, 1, points)
return r
if __name__=="__main__":
print("the secret clue is 'zzyzx'")

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@ -52,18 +52,15 @@ if __name__=="__main__":
testX = data[train_rows:,0:-1]
testY = data[train_rows:,-1]
# print(f"{testX.shape}")
# print(f"{testY.shape}")
# create a learner and train it
# learner = lrl.LinRegLearner(verbose = True) # create a LinRegLearner
learner = dtl.DTLearner(verbose = True) # create a LinRegLearner
# learner.addEvidence(trainX, trainY) # train it #XXX split back into test and non-test
learner.addEvidence(data[:,0:-1], data[:,-1])
learner.addEvidence(trainX, trainY)
# evaluate in sample
predY = learner.query(trainX) # get the predictions
rmse = math.sqrt(((trainY - predY) ** 2).sum()/trainY.shape[0])