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2021-10-19 19:07:31 +02:00
# ---------
# Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for
# educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
# solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
# attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to
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2021-10-19 19:07:31 +02:00
# Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley.
# The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero
# ( and Dan Klein (
# Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and
# Pieter Abbeel (
In, you will implement generic search algorithms which are called by
Pacman agents (in
import util
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class SearchProblem:
This class outlines the structure of a search problem, but doesn't implement
any of the methods (in object-oriented terminology: an abstract class).
You do not need to change anything in this class, ever.
def getStartState(self):
Returns the start state for the search problem.
def isGoalState(self, state):
state: Search state
Returns True if and only if the state is a valid goal state.
def getSuccessors(self, state):
state: Search state
For a given state, this should return a list of triples, (successor,
action, stepCost), where 'successor' is a successor to the current
state, 'action' is the action required to get there, and 'stepCost' is
the incremental cost of expanding to that successor.
def getCostOfActions(self, actions):
actions: A list of actions to take
This method returns the total cost of a particular sequence of actions.
The sequence must be composed of legal moves.
def tinyMazeSearch(problem):
Returns a sequence of moves that solves tinyMaze. For any other maze, the
sequence of moves will be incorrect, so only use this for tinyMaze.
from game import Directions
s = Directions.SOUTH
w = Directions.WEST
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return [s, s, w, s, w, w, s, w]
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def genericSearch(problem, getNewCostAndPriority):
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fringe = util.PriorityQueue()
startState = problem.getStartState()
fringe.push((startState, [], 0), 0)
visited = {}
while not fringe.isEmpty():
state, actions, cost = fringe.pop()
if problem.isGoalState(state):
return actions
visited[state] = cost
for successor, action, stepCost in problem.getSuccessors(state):
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newCost, priority = getNewCostAndPriority(cost, stepCost, successor)
if successor in visited and visited[successor] <= newCost:
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newActions = list(actions) + [action]
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fringe.push((successor, newActions, newCost), priority)
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print("No path found.")
raise Exception()
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def depthFirstSearch(problem):
Search the deepest nodes in the search tree first.
Your search algorithm needs to return a list of actions that reaches the
goal. Make sure to implement a graph search algorithm.
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def getNewCostAndPriority(cost, stepCost, successor):
newCost = cost + 1
return newCost, -newCost
return genericSearch(problem, getNewCostAndPriority)
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def breadthFirstSearch(problem):
"""Search the shallowest nodes in the search tree first."""
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def getNewCostAndPriority(cost, stepCost, successor):
newCost = cost + 1
return newCost, newCost
return genericSearch(problem, getNewCostAndPriority)
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def uniformCostSearch(problem):
"""Search the node of least total cost first."""
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def getNewCostAndPriority(cost, stepCost, successor):
newCost = cost + stepCost
return newCost, newCost
return genericSearch(problem, getNewCostAndPriority)
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def nullHeuristic(state, problem=None):
A heuristic function estimates the cost from the current state to the nearest
goal in the provided SearchProblem. This heuristic is trivial.
return 0
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def aStarSearch(problem, heuristic=nullHeuristic):
"""Search the node that has the lowest combined cost and heuristic first."""
"*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
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def getNewCostAndPriority(cost, stepCost, successor):
newCost = cost + stepCost
newPriority = newCost + heuristic(successor, problem)
return newCost, newPriority
return genericSearch(problem, getNewCostAndPriority)
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# Abbreviations
bfs = breadthFirstSearch
dfs = depthFirstSearch
astar = aStarSearch
ucs = uniformCostSearch