Implement 5.52 translate Scheme to C

Felix Martin 2021-06-12 19:49:53 -04:00
parent 15057b52d4
commit 90a1f8a573
12 changed files with 808 additions and 199 deletions

View File

@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
(load "shared/util")
;(load "shared/ch5-regsim")
;(load "shared/ch5-compiler")
;(load "shared/ch5-eceval-support")
;(display "\nex-5.50 - compile-metacircular-evaluator\n")
;(define mceval-code
; (let ((port (open-input-file "shared/ch4-mceval.scm")))
; (read port)))
;(define mceval-compiled
; (append
; (list '(assign env (op get-global-environment)))
; (statements (compile mceval-code 'val 'next))))
;;; write assembly to file for debug purposes
;; (let ((port (open-output-file "f-mceval-compiled.scm")))
;; (define (write-list-to-port xs port)
;; (if (null? xs) '()
;; (begin (display (car xs) port) (display "\n" port)
;; (write-list-to-port (cdr xs) port))))
;; (write-list-to-port mceval-compiled port)
;; (close-output-port port))
;(define eceval-operations (list
; (list 'list list)
; (list 'cons cons)
; (list 'true? true?)
; (list 'false? false?) ;for compiled code
; (list 'make-procedure make-procedure)
; (list 'compound-procedure? compound-procedure?)
; (list 'procedure-parameters procedure-parameters)
; (list 'procedure-body procedure-body)
; (list 'procedure-environment procedure-environment)
; (list 'extend-environment extend-environment)
; (list 'lookup-variable-value lookup-variable-value)
; (list 'set-variable-value! set-variable-value!)
; (list 'define-variable! define-variable!)
; (list 'primitive-procedure? primitive-procedure?)
; (list 'apply-primitive-procedure apply-primitive-procedure)
; (list 'prompt-for-input prompt-for-input)
; (list 'announce-output announce-output)
; (list 'user-print user-print)
; (list 'empty-arglist empty-arglist)
; (list 'adjoin-arg adjoin-arg)
; (list 'last-operand? last-operand?)
; (list 'no-more-exps? no-more-exps?) ;for non-tail-recursive machine
; (list 'get-global-environment get-global-environment)
; ;;for compiled code (also in eceval-support.scm)
; (list 'make-compiled-procedure make-compiled-procedure)
; (list 'compiled-procedure? compiled-procedure?)
; (list 'compiled-procedure-entry compiled-procedure-entry)
; (list 'compiled-procedure-env compiled-procedure-env)
; ))
;(define the-global-environment (setup-environment))
;(define mceval-machine
; (make-machine
; '(exp env val proc argl continue unev)
; eceval-operations
; mceval-compiled))
;(start mceval-machine)
;;; (factorial 5) computed by compiled mceval executed by register simulator
;(assert (get-register-contents mceval-machine 'val) 120)
(load "shared/ch5-regsim")
(load "shared/ch5-compiler")
(load "shared/ch5-eceval-support")
(display "\nex-5.50 - compile-metacircular-evaluator\n")
(define mceval-code
(let ((port (open-input-file "shared/ch4-mceval.scm")))
(read port)))
(define mceval-compiled
(list '(assign env (op get-global-environment)))
(statements (compile mceval-code 'val 'next))))
;; write assembly to file for debug purposes
; (let ((port (open-output-file "f-mceval-compiled.scm")))
; (define (write-list-to-port xs port)
; (if (null? xs) '()
; (begin (display (car xs) port) (display "\n" port)
; (write-list-to-port (cdr xs) port))))
; (write-list-to-port mceval-compiled port)
; (close-output-port port))
(define eceval-operations (list
(list 'list list)
(list 'cons cons)
(list 'true? true?)
(list 'false? false?) ;for compiled code
(list 'make-procedure make-procedure)
(list 'compound-procedure? compound-procedure?)
(list 'procedure-parameters procedure-parameters)
(list 'procedure-body procedure-body)
(list 'procedure-environment procedure-environment)
(list 'extend-environment extend-environment)
(list 'lookup-variable-value lookup-variable-value)
(list 'set-variable-value! set-variable-value!)
(list 'define-variable! define-variable!)
(list 'primitive-procedure? primitive-procedure?)
(list 'apply-primitive-procedure apply-primitive-procedure)
(list 'prompt-for-input prompt-for-input)
(list 'announce-output announce-output)
(list 'user-print user-print)
(list 'empty-arglist empty-arglist)
(list 'adjoin-arg adjoin-arg)
(list 'last-operand? last-operand?)
(list 'no-more-exps? no-more-exps?) ;for non-tail-recursive machine
(list 'get-global-environment get-global-environment)
;;for compiled code (also in eceval-support.scm)
(list 'make-compiled-procedure make-compiled-procedure)
(list 'compiled-procedure? compiled-procedure?)
(list 'compiled-procedure-entry compiled-procedure-entry)
(list 'compiled-procedure-env compiled-procedure-env)
(define the-global-environment (setup-environment))
(define mceval-machine
'(exp env val proc argl continue unev)
(start mceval-machine)
;; (factorial 5) computed by compiled mceval executed by register simulator
(assert (get-register-contents mceval-machine 'val) 120)
;; Uncomment driver loop within shared/ch4-mceval.scm and load in mit-scheme
;; for REPL:
@ -93,27 +93,31 @@
(load "shared/scm2c/translator")
; My goal is to create proof of concept. Not to compile the metacircular
; evaluator.
(define c-preamble '(
"#include <stdio.h>"
"#include <stdint.h>"
"#include <stdlib.h>"
"#include \"datum.h\""
"#include \"env.h\""
"#include \"stack.h\""
"int main() {"
" datum *val;"
" datum *argl[10];"
" datum *proc;"
" void *cont, *entry, *env;"
" datum *val, *argl, *proc;"
" void *continu, *entry;"
" environment *env = get_global_environment();"
" stack *proc_stack = create_stack();"
" stack *env_stack = create_stack();"
" stack *argl_stack = create_stack();"
" stack *continu_stack = create_stack();"
(define c-epilog '(
" printf(\"%u\\n\", val->value);"
" print_datum(val);"
" printf(\"\\n\");"
(define (compile-to-file file-name code)
@ -137,7 +141,28 @@
(display "]") (newline)
(close-output-port port)))
(compile-to-file "shared/scm2c/main.c" '(+ 42 3))
(define (fac n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(define (fib n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))
(fac 10)))
; write assembly to file for debug purposes
; I haven't implemented all expressions and data types, so I cannot
; λ → cd shared/scm2c/
; λ → make
; λ → ./aout
; 3628800
; I haven't implemented all expressions and datatypes, so I cannot compile the
; metacircular evaluator. Nevertheless, I have implemented procedure
; definitions and environment support, and I can compute factorials and
; Fibonacci numbers. That's all that ever counts. The whole C program is a
; massive memory leak that I could resolve by using reference-counting
; pointers. I am happy, grateful, and proud that I have finished working
; through this book. All that remains are the summaries for Chapters 4 and 5,
; and then I will move on to even more ambitious goals. LFG!
(display "[FIN :]\n")

shared/scm2c/datum.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "datum.h"
datum* cons(datum *e, datum *xs) {
e->next = xs;
return e;
datum* const_i32(int32_t value) {
datum* r = malloc(sizeof(datum));
if (!r) exit(-1);
r->type = datum_type_i32;
r->value = value;
return r;
datum* const_bool(int32_t value) {
datum* r = malloc(sizeof(datum));
if (!r) exit(-1);
r->type = datum_type_bool;
r->value = value;
return r;
datum* const_primitive_proc(datum* (*primitive_procedure) (datum*)) {
datum* r = malloc(sizeof(datum));
if (!r) exit(-1);
r->type = datum_type_primitive_proc;
r->primitive_procedure = primitive_procedure;
return r;
int primitive_procedure(datum* d) {
if (d->type == datum_type_primitive_proc) {
return 1;
return 0;
int is_false(datum *d) {
if (d->type == datum_type_i32) {
return 0;
} else if (d->type == datum_type_bool) {
return !d->value;
} else if (d->next) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
int datum_eq(datum *a, datum *b) {
if ((a->type == datum_type_i32) && (b->type == datum_type_i32)) {
return a->value == b->value;
return 0;
int datum_lt(datum *a, datum *b) {
if ((a->type == datum_type_i32) && (b->type == datum_type_i32)) {
return a->value < b->value;
return 0;
void print_datum(datum* d) {
if (!d) {
printf("ERROR - DATUM is null");
switch (d->type) {
case datum_type_i32:
printf("%i", d->value);
printf("Cannot print type %u", d->type);
void* compiled_procedure_entry(datum* d) {
return d->compiled_procedure_entry;

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
#ifndef DATUM_H
#define DATUM_H
#include <stdint.h>
enum datum_type {
@ -8,53 +13,22 @@ enum datum_type {
typedef struct datum {
enum datum_type type;
int32_t value;
void* (*primitive_procedure) (void**);
void* compiled_pr;
struct datum* (*primitive_procedure) (struct datum*);
void* compiled_procedure_entry;
void* env;
struct datum *next;
} datum;
typedef struct procedure {
} procedure;
datum* cons(datum *e, datum *xs);
datum* const_i32(int32_t value);
datum* const_bool(int32_t value);
datum* const_primitive_proc(datum* (*primitive_procedure) (datum*));
int primitive_procedure(datum* d);
int is_false(datum *d);
int datum_eq(datum *a, datum *b);
int datum_lt(datum *a, datum *b);
void print_datum(datum* d);
void* compiled_procedure_entry(datum* d);
datum* const_int(int32_t value) {
datum* r = malloc(sizeof(datum));
if (!r) exit(-1);
r->type = datum_type_i32;
r->value = value;
int primitive_procedure(datum* d) {
if (d->type == datum_type_primitive_proc) {
return 1;
return 0;
datum* add(datum** args) {
size_t i = 0;
int32_t result = 0;
while (args[i] != NULL) {
if (args[i]->type != datum_type_i32) {
printf("ADD - invalid type\n");
result += args[i]->value;
i += 1;
return const_int(result);
void* compiled_procedure_entry(void* p) {
return compiled_procedure_entry;
datum* lookup_variable_value(char* c, void* e) {
datum* r = malloc(sizeof(datum));
if (!r) exit(-1);
r->type = datum_type_primitive_proc;
r->primitive_procedure = (void*) &add;
return r;

shared/scm2c/env.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "env.h"
#include "primitives.h"
datum* define_variable(const char *var, datum *value, environment *env) {
if (env->first_mapping == NULL) {
env->first_mapping = new_mapping(var, value);
return NULL;
mapping* m = env->first_mapping;
while (1) {
if (strcmp(var, m->variable) == 0) {
m->value = value;
if (m->next) {
m = m->next;
} else {
m->next = new_mapping(var, value);
return NULL;
datum* lookup_variable_value(char* var, environment* env) {
environment* e = env;
mapping* m;
while (e) {
m = e->first_mapping;
while (m) {
if (strcmp(var, m->variable) == 0) {
return m->value;
m = m->next;
e = e->outer_env;
printf("UNDEFINED VARIABLE %s", var);
datum* make_compiled_proc(void* entry, environment* e) {
datum* r = malloc(sizeof(datum));
if (!r) exit(-1);
r->type = datum_type_compiled_proc;
r->compiled_procedure_entry = entry;
r->env = e;
return r;
environment* extend_environment(const char **args, datum *argl, environment* outer_env) {
environment* env = malloc(sizeof(environment));
if (!env) exit(-1);
env->first_mapping = NULL;
env->outer_env = outer_env;
size_t i = 0;
while (argl && args[i]) {
define_variable(args[i], argl, env);
i += 1;
argl = argl->next;
return env;
environment* get_global_environment(void) {
environment* env = malloc(sizeof(environment));
if (!env) exit(-1);
env->first_mapping = NULL;
env->outer_env = NULL;
define_variable("+", const_primitive_proc(&add), env);
define_variable("-", const_primitive_proc(&sub), env);
define_variable("*", const_primitive_proc(&mul), env);
define_variable("=", const_primitive_proc(&eq), env);
define_variable("<", const_primitive_proc(&lt), env);
define_variable("display", const_primitive_proc(&display), env);
define_variable("newline", const_primitive_proc(&newline), env);
return env;
mapping* new_mapping(const char* var, datum* value) {
mapping* m = malloc(sizeof(mapping));
if (!m) exit(-1);
m->variable = var;
m->value = value;
m->next = NULL;
return m;

shared/scm2c/env.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#ifndef ENV_H
#define ENV_H
#include "datum.h"
typedef struct mapping {
const char *variable;
datum *value;
struct mapping *next;
} mapping;
typedef struct environment {
struct mapping *first_mapping;
struct environment *outer_env;
} environment;
datum* define_variable(const char *var, datum *value, environment *env);
datum* lookup_variable_value(char* c, environment* e);
datum* make_compiled_proc(void* entry, environment* e);
environment* extend_environment(const char **args, datum *argl, environment* env);
environment* get_global_environment(void);
mapping* new_mapping(const char* var, datum* value);

View File

@ -3,27 +3,230 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "datum.h"
#include "env.h"
#include "stack.h"
int main() {
datum *val;
datum *argl[10];
datum *proc;
void *cont, *entry, *env;
datum *val, *argl, *proc;
void *continu, *entry;
environment *env = get_global_environment();
stack *proc_stack = create_stack();
stack *env_stack = create_stack();
stack *argl_stack = create_stack();
stack *continu_stack = create_stack();
val = make_compiled_proc(&&entry29, env);
goto afterlambda28;
env = proc->env;
const char *argv30[] = {"n", };
env = extend_environment(argv30, argl, env);
save(continu, continu_stack);
save(env, env_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("=", env);
val = const_i32(1);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
val = lookup_variable_value("n", env);
argl = cons(val, argl);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch45;
goto compiledbranch44;
continu = &&aftercall43;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
env = restore(env_stack);
continu = restore(continu_stack);
goto falsebranch32;
goto truebranch33;
val = const_i32(1);
goto *continu;
proc = lookup_variable_value("*", env);
save(continu, continu_stack);
save(proc, proc_stack);
save(env, env_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("fac", env);
save(proc, proc_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("-", env);
val = const_i32(1);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
val = lookup_variable_value("n", env);
argl = cons(val, argl);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch36;
goto compiledbranch35;
continu = &&aftercall34;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
proc = restore(proc_stack);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch39;
goto compiledbranch38;
continu = &&aftercall37;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
env = restore(env_stack);
val = lookup_variable_value("n", env);
argl = cons(val, argl);
proc = restore(proc_stack);
continu = restore(continu_stack);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch42;
goto compiledbranch41;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
goto *continu;
val = define_variable("fac", val, env);
val = make_compiled_proc(&&entry5, env);
goto afterlambda4;
env = proc->env;
const char *argv6[] = {"n", };
env = extend_environment(argv6, argl, env);
save(continu, continu_stack);
save(env, env_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("<", env);
val = const_i32(2);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
val = lookup_variable_value("n", env);
argl = cons(val, argl);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch27;
goto compiledbranch26;
continu = &&aftercall25;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
env = restore(env_stack);
continu = restore(continu_stack);
goto falsebranch8;
goto truebranch9;
val = const_i32(1);
goto *continu;
proc = lookup_variable_value("+", env);
val = const_int(3);
argl[0] = val;
val = const_int(42);
argl[1] = val;
argl[2] = NULL;
save(continu, continu_stack);
save(proc, proc_stack);
save(env, env_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("fib", env);
save(proc, proc_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("-", env);
val = const_i32(1);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
val = lookup_variable_value("n", env);
argl = cons(val, argl);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch18;
goto compiledbranch17;
continu = &&aftercall16;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
proc = restore(proc_stack);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch21;
goto compiledbranch20;
continu = &&aftercall19;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
env = restore(env_stack);
save(argl, argl_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("fib", env);
save(proc, proc_stack);
proc = lookup_variable_value("-", env);
val = const_i32(2);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
val = lookup_variable_value("n", env);
argl = cons(val, argl);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch12;
goto compiledbranch11;
continu = &&aftercall10;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
proc = restore(proc_stack);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch15;
goto compiledbranch14;
continu = &&aftercall13;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
argl = restore(argl_stack);
argl = cons(val, argl);
proc = restore(proc_stack);
continu = restore(continu_stack);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch24;
goto compiledbranch23;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
goto *continu;
val = define_variable("fib", val, env);
proc = lookup_variable_value("fac", env);
val = const_i32(10);
argl = cons(val, NULL);
if (primitive_procedure(proc) == 1)
goto primitivebranch3;
goto compiledbranch2;
cont = &&aftercall1;
continu = &&aftercall1;
entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);
goto *entry;
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)((void**) argl);
val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);
printf("%u\n", val->value);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,26 @@
aout: main.o
cc -o aout main.o
CC=gcc -Wall
main.o : main.c datum.h
cc -c main.c
aout: main.o datum.o env.o primitives.o stack.o
$(CC) -o aout main.o datum.o env.o primitives.o stack.o
main.c: ../../ex-5_50-52.scm translator.scm
cd ../../ && ./run ex-5_50-52.scm
main.o: main.c datum.h env.h
$(CC) -c main.c
datum.o: datum.c datum.h
$(CC) -c datum.c
env.o: env.c env.h datum.h
$(CC) -c env.c
primitives.o: primitives.c primitives.h datum.h
$(CC) -c primitives.c
stack.o: stack.c stack.h datum.h
$(CC) -c stack.c
clean :
rm aout main.o
rm aout main.o datum.o env.o primitives.o stack.o

shared/scm2c/primitives.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "primitives.h"
datum* add(datum* args) {
int32_t result = 0;
while (args) {
if (args->type != datum_type_i32) {
printf("ADD - invalid type\n");
result += args->value;
args = args->next;
return const_i32(result);
datum* sub(datum* args) {
int32_t result;
if (args) {
result = args->value;
} else {
if (!args->next) {
result = -result;
} else {
args = args->next;
while (args) {
if (args->type != datum_type_i32) {
printf("SUB - invalid type\n");
result -= args->value;
args = args->next;
return const_i32(result);
datum* mul(datum* args) {
int32_t result = 1;
while (args) {
if (args->type != datum_type_i32) {
printf("MUL - invalid type\n");
result *= args->value;
args = args->next;
return const_i32(result);
datum* eq(datum* args) {
if (!args->next) {
return const_bool(1);
datum *first = args;
while (first->next) {
if (!datum_eq(first, first->next))
return const_bool(0);
first = first->next;
return const_bool(1);
datum* lt(datum* args) {
if (!args->next) {
return const_bool(1);
datum *first = args;
while (first->next) {
if (!datum_lt(first, first->next))
return const_bool(0);
first = first->next;
return const_bool(1);
datum* display(datum* args) {
return NULL;
datum* newline(datum* args) {
return NULL;

shared/scm2c/primitives.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "datum.h"
datum* add(datum* args);
datum* sub(datum* args);
datum* mul(datum* args);
datum* eq(datum* args);
datum* lt(datum* args);
datum* display(datum* args);
datum* newline(datum* args);

shared/scm2c/stack.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stack.h"
struct stack proc_stack;
stack* create_stack(void) {
stack* s = malloc(sizeof(stack));
if (!s) exit(-1);
s->first = NULL;
return s;
void save(void *d, stack *s) {
stack_elem* elem = malloc(sizeof(stack_elem));
elem->value = d;
if (!s->first) {
elem->next = NULL;
} else {
elem->next = s->first;
s->first = elem;
void* restore(stack *s) {
void *r;
stack_elem *se;
if (!s->first) {
printf("stack empty!\n");
se = s->first;
r = s->first->value;
s->first = se->next;
return r;

shared/scm2c/stack.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H
typedef struct stack_elem {
void *value;
struct stack_elem *next;
} stack_elem;
typedef struct stack {
struct stack_elem *first;
} stack;
stack* create_stack(void);
void save(void *d, stack *s);
void* restore(stack *s);

View File

@ -57,16 +57,16 @@
(define (compile-linkage linkage)
(cond ((eq? linkage 'return)
(make-instruction-sequence '(continue) '()
'((goto (reg continue)))))
(make-instruction-sequence '(continu) '()
'((" goto *continu;"))))
((eq? linkage 'next)
(make-instruction-sequence '() '()
`((goto (label ,linkage)))))))
`((" goto " ,linkage ";"))))))
(define (end-with-linkage linkage instruction-sequence)
(preserving '(continue)
(preserving '(continu)
(compile-linkage linkage)))
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
(cond ((number? exp)
(end-with-linkage linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '() (list target)
`((" " ,target " = const_int(" ,exp ");")))))
`((" " ,target " = const_i32(" ,exp ");")))))
(else (error "SELF-EVAL -- unsupported type" exp))))
(define (compile-quoted exp target linkage)
@ -114,11 +114,8 @@
(preserving '(env)
(make-instruction-sequence '(env val) (list target)
`((perform (op define-variable!)
(const ,var)
(reg val)
(reg env))
(assign ,target (const ok))))))))
`((" " ,target " = define_variable(\"" ,var "\", val, env);")
;;;conditional expressions
@ -137,9 +134,9 @@
;; end of footnote
(define (compile-if exp target linkage)
(let ((t-branch (make-label 'true-branch))
(f-branch (make-label 'false-branch))
(after-if (make-label 'after-if)))
(let ((t-branch (make-label 'truebranch))
(f-branch (make-label 'falsebranch))
(after-if (make-label 'afterif)))
(let ((consequent-linkage
(if (eq? linkage 'next) after-if linkage)))
(let ((p-code (compile (if-predicate exp) 'val 'next))
@ -148,23 +145,30 @@
(if-consequent exp) target consequent-linkage))
(compile (if-alternative exp) target linkage)))
(preserving '(env continue)
(preserving '(env continu)
(make-instruction-sequence '(val) '()
`((test (op false?) (reg val))
(branch (label ,f-branch))))
`((" if(is_false(val))")
(" goto " ,f-branch ";")
(" goto " ,t-branch ";")
(append-instruction-sequences t-branch c-code)
(append-instruction-sequences f-branch a-code))
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() `((,t-branch ":")))
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() `((,f-branch ":")))
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() `((,after-if ":")))
;;; sequences
(define (compile-sequence seq target linkage)
(if (last-exp? seq)
(compile (first-exp seq) target linkage)
(preserving '(env continue)
(preserving '(env continu)
(compile (first-exp seq) target 'next)
(compile-sequence (rest-exps seq) target linkage))))
@ -172,31 +176,39 @@
(define (compile-lambda exp target linkage)
(let ((proc-entry (make-label 'entry))
(after-lambda (make-label 'after-lambda)))
(after-lambda (make-label 'afterlambda)))
(let ((lambda-linkage
(if (eq? linkage 'next) after-lambda linkage)))
(end-with-linkage lambda-linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '(env) (list target)
`((assign ,target
(op make-compiled-procedure)
(label ,proc-entry)
(reg env)))))
`((" " ,target " = make_compiled_proc(&&" ,proc-entry ", env);"))))
(compile-lambda-body exp proc-entry))
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() `((,after-lambda ":")))))))
(define (compile-lambda-body exp proc-entry)
(let ((formals (lambda-parameters exp)))
(define (formals-to-string formals)
(if (null? formals)
(symbol->string (car formals))
"\", "
(formals-to-string (cdr formals)))))))
(let ((formals (lambda-parameters exp))
(argv (make-label 'argv)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(env proc argl) '(env)
(assign env (op compiled-procedure-env) (reg proc))
(assign env
(op extend-environment)
(const ,formals)
(reg argl)
(reg env))))
(,proc-entry ":")
(" env = proc->env;")
(" const char *" ,argv "[] = {" ,(formals-to-string formals) "};")
(" env = extend_environment(" ,argv ", argl, env);")
;(" env = extend_environment(" (const ,formals) ", argl, env);")))
(compile-sequence (lambda-body exp) 'val 'return))))
@ -209,9 +221,9 @@
(map (lambda (operand) (compile operand 'val 'next))
(operands exp))))
(preserving '(env continue)
(preserving '(env continu)
(preserving '(proc continue)
(preserving '(proc continu)
(construct-arglist operand-codes)
(compile-procedure-call target linkage)))))
@ -219,34 +231,30 @@
(let ((operand-codes (reverse operand-codes)))
(if (null? operand-codes)
(make-instruction-sequence '() '(argl)
'((assign argl (const ()))))
'((" argl = NULL;")))
(let ((code-to-get-last-arg
(car operand-codes)
(make-instruction-sequence '(val) '(argl)
'((" argl[0] = val;"))))))
'((" argl = cons(val, NULL);"))))))
(if (null? (cdr operand-codes))
(preserving '(env)
(cdr operand-codes))))))))
(define (code-to-get-rest-args index operand-codes)
(define (code-to-get-rest-args operand-codes)
(let ((code-for-next-arg
(preserving '(argl)
(car operand-codes)
(make-instruction-sequence '(val argl) '(argl)
`((" argl[" ,index "] = val;"))))))
`((" argl = cons(val, argl);"))))))
(if (null? (cdr operand-codes))
'() '() `((" argl[" ,(+ index 1) "] = NULL;"))))
(preserving '(env)
(code-to-get-rest-args (+ index 1) (cdr operand-codes))))))
(code-to-get-rest-args (cdr operand-codes))))))
;;;applying procedures
@ -259,7 +267,8 @@
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) '()
`((" if (" primitive_procedure "(proc) == 1)")
(" goto " ,primitive-branch ";")))
(" goto " ,primitive-branch ";")
(" goto " ,compiled-branch ";")))
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() `((,compiled-branch ":")))
@ -269,7 +278,7 @@
(end-with-linkage linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc argl)
(list target)
`((" val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)((void**) argl);"))))))
`((" val = (*proc->primitive_procedure)(argl);"))))))
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() `((,after-call ":")))))))
;;;applying compiled procedures
@ -277,31 +286,31 @@
(define (compile-proc-appl target linkage)
(cond ((and (eq? target 'val) (not (eq? linkage 'return)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) all-regs
`((" " cont " = &&" ,linkage ";")
`((" continu = &&" ,linkage ";")
(" " entry " = " compiled_procedure_entry "(proc);")
(" goto *entry;"))))
((and (not (eq? target 'val))
(not (eq? linkage 'return)))
(let ((proc-return (make-label 'proc-return)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) all-regs
`((assign continue (label ,proc-return))
`((assign continu (label ,proc-return))
(assign val (op compiled_procedure_entry)
(reg proc))
(goto (reg val))
(" goto " (reg val) "// FOO2")
(assign ,target (reg val))
(goto (label ,linkage))))))
(" goto " (label ,linkage) "; // FOO1")))))
((and (eq? target 'val) (eq? linkage 'return))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc continue) all-regs
'((assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry)
(reg proc))
(goto (reg val)))))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc continu) all-regs
'((" entry = compiled_procedure_entry(proc);")
(" goto *entry;")
((and (not (eq? target 'val)) (eq? linkage 'return))
(error "return linkage, target not val -- COMPILE"
;; footnote
(define all-regs '(env proc val argl continue))
(define all-regs '(env proc val argl continu))
;;;SECTION 5.5.4
@ -361,9 +370,9 @@
(registers-needed seq1))
(list-difference (registers-modified seq1)
(list first-reg))
(append `((save ,first-reg))
(append `((" save(",first-reg ", " ,first-reg "_stack);"))
(statements seq1)
`((restore ,first-reg))))
`((" " ,first-reg " = restore(" ,first-reg "_stack);"))))
(preserving (cdr regs) seq1 seq2)))))