Work on 5.39

Felix Martin 2021-04-21 10:02:02 -04:00
parent 922a47f20e
commit 360f740441
4 changed files with 474 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,90 @@
(load "util.scm")
(load "misc/sicp-compiler.scm")
(load "misc/sicp-compiler-lexical-addressing.scm")
(display "\nex-5.39\n")
(display "\nex-5.39 - lexical-addressing\n")
; Exercise 5.39. Write a procedure lexical-address-lookup that implements the
; new lookup operation. It should take two arguments -- a lexical address and a
; run-time environment -- and return the value of the variable stored at the
; specified lexical address. Lexical-address-lookup should signal an error if
; the value of the variable is the symbol *unassigned*.46 Also write a
; procedure lexical-address-set! that implements the operation that changes the
; value of the variable at a specified lexical address.
(define (make-address frame-number index-number)
(list 'address frame-number index-number))
(define (frame-number address) (cadr address))
(define (index-number address) (caddr address))
(define test-env '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)))
(define (lexical-address-lookup adr env)
(define (iter-env frame-number env)
((null? env)
(error "frame does not exist - LEXICAL-ADDRESS-LOOKUP" adr env))
((= frame-number 0) (car env))
(else (iter-env (- frame-number 1) (cdr env)))))
(define (iter-frame index-number frame)
((null? frame)
(error "index does not exist - LEXICAL-ADDRESS-LOOKUP" adr env))
((and (= index-number 0) (eq? (car frame) '*unassigned*))
(error "var not assigned - LEXICAL-ADDRESS-LOOKUP" adr env))
((= index-number 0) (car frame))
(else (iter-frame (- index-number 1) (cdr frame)))))
(let ((frame (iter-env (frame-number adr) env)))
(iter-frame (index-number adr) frame)))
(assert (lexical-address-lookup (make-address 0 0) test-env) 1)
(assert (lexical-address-lookup (make-address 0 1) test-env) 2)
(assert (lexical-address-lookup (make-address 0 2) test-env) 3)
(assert (lexical-address-lookup (make-address 1 0) test-env) 4)
(assert (lexical-address-lookup (make-address 2 2) test-env) 9)
; (define (env-loop env)
; (define (scan vars vals)
; (cond ((null? vars)
; (env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
; ((eq? var (car vars))
; (car vals))
; (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
; (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
; 'unbound-variable-error
; (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
; (scan (frame-variables frame)
; (frame-values frame)))))
; (env-loop env))
;(define (unbound-variable? var)
; (eq? var 'unbound-variable-error))
(define (lexical-address-set! adr val env) '())
; (define (env-loop env)
; (define (scan vars vals)
; (cond ((null? vars)
; (env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
; ((eq? var (car vars))
; (set-car! vals val))
; (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
; (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
; (error "Unbound variable -- SET!" var)
; (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
; (scan (frame-variables frame)
; (frame-values frame)))))
; (env-loop env))
(let ((x 3) (y 4))
(lambda (a b c d e)
(let ((y (* a b x))
(z (+ c d x)))
(* x y z))))
(display "\nex-5.40\n")
; '(let ((x 3) (y 4))
; (lambda (a b c d e)
; (let ((y (* a b x))
; (z (+ c d x)))
; (* x y z))))
; 'val 'next "f-lexaddr.scm")
; (display "\nex-5.41\n")
; (display "\nex-5.42\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
;;;;Matches code in ch5.scm
;;;;This file can be loaded into Scheme as a whole.
;;;;**NOTE**This file loads the metacircular evaluator's syntax procedures
;;;; from section 4.1.2
;;;; You may need to change the (load ...) expression to work in your
;;;; version of Scheme.
;;;;Then you can compile Scheme programs as shown in section 5.5.5
;;**implementation-dependent loading of syntax procedures
(load "misc/sicp-syntax.scm") ;section 4.1.2 syntax procedures
;;;SECTION 5.5.1
(define (compile exp target linkage)
(cond ((self-evaluating? exp)
(compile-self-evaluating exp target linkage))
((quoted? exp) (compile-quoted exp target linkage))
((variable? exp)
(compile-variable exp target linkage))
((assignment? exp)
(compile-assignment exp target linkage))
((definition? exp)
(compile-definition exp target linkage))
((if? exp) (compile-if exp target linkage))
((lambda? exp) (compile-lambda exp target linkage))
((begin? exp)
(compile-sequence (begin-actions exp)
((cond? exp) (compile (cond->if exp) target linkage))
((primitive-procedure? exp)
(compile-primitive exp target linkage))
((application? exp)
(compile-application exp target linkage))
(error "Unknown expression type -- COMPILE" exp))))
(define (make-instruction-sequence needs modifies statements)
(list needs modifies statements))
(define (empty-instruction-sequence)
(make-instruction-sequence '() '() '()))
;; Implemented in 5.38.
(define (primitive-procedure? exp) #f)
;;;SECTION 5.5.2
;;;linkage code
(define (compile-linkage linkage)
(cond ((eq? linkage 'return)
(make-instruction-sequence '(continue) '()
'((goto (reg continue)))))
((eq? linkage 'next)
(make-instruction-sequence '() '()
`((goto (label ,linkage)))))))
(define (end-with-linkage linkage instruction-sequence)
(preserving '(continue)
(compile-linkage linkage)))
;;;simple expressions
(define (compile-self-evaluating exp target linkage)
(end-with-linkage linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '() (list target)
`((assign ,target (const ,exp))))))
(define (compile-quoted exp target linkage)
(end-with-linkage linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '() (list target)
`((assign ,target (const ,(text-of-quotation exp)))))))
(define (compile-variable exp target linkage)
(end-with-linkage linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '(env) (list target)
`((assign ,target
(op lookup-variable-value)
(const ,exp)
(reg env))))))
(define (compile-assignment exp target linkage)
(let ((var (assignment-variable exp))
(compile (assignment-value exp) 'val 'next)))
(end-with-linkage linkage
(preserving '(env)
(make-instruction-sequence '(env val) (list target)
`((perform (op set-variable-value!)
(const ,var)
(reg val)
(reg env))
(assign ,target (const ok))))))))
(define (compile-definition exp target linkage)
(let ((var (definition-variable exp))
(compile (definition-value exp) 'val 'next)))
(end-with-linkage linkage
(preserving '(env)
(make-instruction-sequence '(env val) (list target)
`((perform (op define-variable!)
(const ,var)
(reg val)
(reg env))
(assign ,target (const ok))))))))
;;;conditional expressions
;;;labels (from footnote)
(define label-counter 0)
(define (new-label-number)
(set! label-counter (+ 1 label-counter))
(define (make-label name)
(string-append (symbol->string name)
(number->string (new-label-number)))))
;; end of footnote
(define (compile-if exp target linkage)
(let ((t-branch (make-label 'true-branch))
(f-branch (make-label 'false-branch))
(after-if (make-label 'after-if)))
(let ((consequent-linkage
(if (eq? linkage 'next) after-if linkage)))
(let ((p-code (compile (if-predicate exp) 'val 'next))
(if-consequent exp) target consequent-linkage))
(compile (if-alternative exp) target linkage)))
(preserving '(env continue)
(make-instruction-sequence '(val) '()
`((test (op false?) (reg val))
(branch (label ,f-branch))))
(append-instruction-sequences t-branch c-code)
(append-instruction-sequences f-branch a-code))
;;; sequences
(define (compile-sequence seq target linkage)
(if (last-exp? seq)
(compile (first-exp seq) target linkage)
(preserving '(env continue)
(compile (first-exp seq) target 'next)
(compile-sequence (rest-exps seq) target linkage))))
;;;lambda expressions
(define (compile-lambda exp target linkage)
(let ((proc-entry (make-label 'entry))
(after-lambda (make-label 'after-lambda)))
(let ((lambda-linkage
(if (eq? linkage 'next) after-lambda linkage)))
(end-with-linkage lambda-linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '(env) (list target)
`((assign ,target
(op make-compiled-procedure)
(label ,proc-entry)
(reg env)))))
(compile-lambda-body exp proc-entry))
(define (compile-lambda-body exp proc-entry)
(let ((formals (lambda-parameters exp)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(env proc argl) '(env)
(assign env (op compiled-procedure-env) (reg proc))
(assign env
(op extend-environment)
(const ,formals)
(reg argl)
(reg env))))
(compile-sequence (lambda-body exp) 'val 'return))))
;;;SECTION 5.5.3
(define (compile-application exp target linkage)
(let ((proc-code (compile (operator exp) 'proc 'next))
(map (lambda (operand) (compile operand 'val 'next))
(operands exp))))
(preserving '(env continue)
(preserving '(proc continue)
(construct-arglist operand-codes)
(compile-procedure-call target linkage)))))
(define (construct-arglist operand-codes)
(let ((operand-codes (reverse operand-codes)))
(if (null? operand-codes)
(make-instruction-sequence '() '(argl)
'((assign argl (const ()))))
(let ((code-to-get-last-arg
(car operand-codes)
(make-instruction-sequence '(val) '(argl)
'((assign argl (op list) (reg val)))))))
(if (null? (cdr operand-codes))
(preserving '(env)
(cdr operand-codes))))))))
(define (code-to-get-rest-args operand-codes)
(let ((code-for-next-arg
(preserving '(argl)
(car operand-codes)
(make-instruction-sequence '(val argl) '(argl)
'((assign argl
(op cons) (reg val) (reg argl)))))))
(if (null? (cdr operand-codes))
(preserving '(env)
(code-to-get-rest-args (cdr operand-codes))))))
;;;applying procedures
(define (compile-procedure-call target linkage)
(let ((primitive-branch (make-label 'primitive-branch))
(compiled-branch (make-label 'compiled-branch))
(after-call (make-label 'after-call)))
(let ((compiled-linkage
(if (eq? linkage 'next) after-call linkage)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) '()
`((test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
(branch (label ,primitive-branch))))
(compile-proc-appl target compiled-linkage))
(end-with-linkage linkage
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc argl)
(list target)
`((assign ,target
(op apply-primitive-procedure)
(reg proc)
(reg argl)))))))
;;;applying compiled procedures
(define (compile-proc-appl target linkage)
(cond ((and (eq? target 'val) (not (eq? linkage 'return)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) all-regs
`((assign continue (label ,linkage))
(assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry)
(reg proc))
(goto (reg val)))))
((and (not (eq? target 'val))
(not (eq? linkage 'return)))
(let ((proc-return (make-label 'proc-return)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) all-regs
`((assign continue (label ,proc-return))
(assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry)
(reg proc))
(goto (reg val))
(assign ,target (reg val))
(goto (label ,linkage))))))
((and (eq? target 'val) (eq? linkage 'return))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc continue) all-regs
'((assign val (op compiled-procedure-entry)
(reg proc))
(goto (reg val)))))
((and (not (eq? target 'val)) (eq? linkage 'return))
(error "return linkage, target not val -- COMPILE"
;; footnote
(define all-regs '(env proc val argl continue))
;;;SECTION 5.5.4
(define (registers-needed s)
(if (symbol? s) '() (car s)))
(define (registers-modified s)
(if (symbol? s) '() (cadr s)))
(define (statements s)
(if (symbol? s) (list s) (caddr s)))
(define (needs-register? seq reg)
(memq reg (registers-needed seq)))
(define (modifies-register? seq reg)
(memq reg (registers-modified seq)))
(define (append-instruction-sequences . seqs)
(define (append-2-sequences seq1 seq2)
(list-union (registers-needed seq1)
(list-difference (registers-needed seq2)
(registers-modified seq1)))
(list-union (registers-modified seq1)
(registers-modified seq2))
(append (statements seq1) (statements seq2))))
(define (append-seq-list seqs)
(if (null? seqs)
(append-2-sequences (car seqs)
(append-seq-list (cdr seqs)))))
(append-seq-list seqs))
(define (list-union s1 s2)
(cond ((null? s1) s2)
((memq (car s1) s2) (list-union (cdr s1) s2))
(else (cons (car s1) (list-union (cdr s1) s2)))))
(define (list-difference s1 s2)
(cond ((null? s1) '())
((memq (car s1) s2) (list-difference (cdr s1) s2))
(else (cons (car s1)
(list-difference (cdr s1) s2)))))
(define (preserving regs seq1 seq2)
(if (null? regs)
(append-instruction-sequences seq1 seq2)
(let ((first-reg (car regs)))
(if (and (needs-register? seq2 first-reg)
(modifies-register? seq1 first-reg))
(preserving (cdr regs)
(list-union (list first-reg)
(registers-needed seq1))
(list-difference (registers-modified seq1)
(list first-reg))
(append `((save ,first-reg))
(statements seq1)
`((restore ,first-reg))))
(preserving (cdr regs) seq1 seq2)))))
(define (tack-on-instruction-sequence seq body-seq)
(registers-needed seq)
(registers-modified seq)
(append (statements seq) (statements body-seq))))
(define (parallel-instruction-sequences seq1 seq2)
(list-union (registers-needed seq1)
(registers-needed seq2))
(list-union (registers-modified seq1)
(registers-modified seq2))
(append (statements seq1) (statements seq2))))

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
(define eceval-operations
;;primitive Scheme operations
(list 'read read) ;used by eceval
(list 'read read) ;used by eceval
;;used by compiled code
(list 'list list)
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
;;operations in eceval-support.scm
(list 'true? true?)
(list 'false? false?) ;for compiled code
(list 'false? false?) ;for compiled code
(list 'make-procedure make-procedure)
(list 'compound-procedure? compound-procedure?)
(list 'procedure-parameters procedure-parameters)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
(list 'empty-arglist empty-arglist)
(list 'adjoin-arg adjoin-arg)
(list 'last-operand? last-operand?)
(list 'no-more-exps? no-more-exps?) ;for non-tail-recursive machine
(list 'no-more-exps? no-more-exps?) ;for non-tail-recursive machine
(list 'get-global-environment get-global-environment)
;;for compiled code (also in eceval-support.scm)
@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
(define eceval
'(exp env val proc argl continue unev
compapp ;*for compiled to call interpreted
compapp ;*for compiled to call interpreted
;;SECTION 5.4.4, as modified in 5.5.7

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
(display (car xs) port)
(display "\n" port)
(write-list-to-port (cdr xs) port))))
(if #f ; #t means write to file; #f means don't write to file
(if #t ; #t means write to file; #f means don't write to file
(let* ((compile-result (compile code target linkage))
(assembly-insts (statements compile-result))
(port (open-output-file file-name)))