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"""MC2-P1: Market simulator.
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
works, including solutions to the projects assigned in this course. Students
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GT honor code violation.
-----do not edit anything above this line---
Student Name: Tucker Balch (replace with your name)
GT User ID: felixm (replace with your User ID)
GT ID: 1337 (replace with your GT ID)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import os
from util import get_data, plot_data
from optimize_something.optimization import calculate_stats
def read_orders(orders_file):
Parser orders into the form:
Date datetime64[ns]
Symbol object
Order object
Shares int32
This is how the order book looks like:
orders = pd.read_csv(orders_file,
dtype='|str, str, str, i4',
orders.sort_values(by="Date", inplace=True)
return orders
def get_order_book_info(orders):
"""Return start_date, end_date, and symbols (as a list)."""
start_date = orders.iloc[0].Date
end_date = orders.iloc[0].Date
symbols = sorted(list((set(orders.Symbol.tolist()))))
return start_date, end_date, symbols
def compute_portvals(orders_file="./orders/orders-01.csv", start_val=1000000, commission=9.95, impact=0.005):
orders = read_orders(orders_file)
start_date, end_date, symbols = get_order_book_info(orders)
# In the template, instead of computing the value of the portfolio, we just
# read in the value of IBM over 6 months
start_date = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1)
end_date = dt.datetime(2008, 6, 1)
portvals = get_data(['IBM'], pd.date_range(start_date, end_date))
portvals = portvals[['IBM']] # remove SPY
return portvals
# Don't know why this was in template. Keep for now.
# rv = pd.DataFrame(index=portvals.index, data=portvals.values)
# return rv
def test_code():
of = "./orders/orders-02.csv"
sv = 1000000
portvals = compute_portvals(orders_file=of, start_val=sv)
if isinstance(portvals, pd.DataFrame):
portvals = portvals[portvals.columns[0]] # just get the first column
raise Exception("warning, code did not return a DataFrame")
# One way of getting the portfolio dates
# print(portvals.index[0])
# Get portfolio stats.
start_date = dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1)
end_date = dt.datetime(2008, 6, 1)
cum_ret, avg_daily_ret, \
std_daily_ret, sharpe_ratio = calculate_stats(portvals.to_frame(), [1])
spy = get_data(['SPY'], pd.date_range(start_date, end_date))
cum_ret_SPY, avg_daily_ret_SPY, \
std_daily_ret_SPY, sharpe_ratio_SPY = calculate_stats(spy, [1])
# Compare portfolio against $SPY
print(f"Date Range: {start_date} to {end_date}")
print(f"Sharpe Ratio of Fund: {sharpe_ratio}")
print(f"Sharpe Ratio of SPY : {sharpe_ratio_SPY}")
print(f"Cumulative Return of Fund: {cum_ret}")
print(f"Cumulative Return of SPY : {cum_ret_SPY}")
print(f"Standard Deviation of Fund: {std_daily_ret}")
print(f"Standard Deviation of SPY : {std_daily_ret_SPY}")
print(f"Average Daily Return of Fund: {avg_daily_ret}")
print(f"Average Daily Return of SPY : {avg_daily_ret_SPY}")
print(f"Final Portfolio Value: {portvals[-1]}")
if __name__ == "__main__":