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import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
import util
import indicators
class ManualStrategy:
def __init__(self, verbose=False, impact=0.0, commission=0.0):
self.verbose = verbose
self.impact = impact
self.commission = commission
# this method should create a QLearner, and train it for trading
def addEvidence(self, symbol="IBM",
sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1),
ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1),
# add your code to do learning here
# example usage of the old backward compatible util function
syms = [symbol]
dates = pd.date_range(sd, ed)
prices_all = util.get_data(syms, dates) # automatically adds SPY
prices = prices_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols
# prices_SPY = prices_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later
if self.verbose:
# example use with new colname
# automatically adds SPY
volume_all = util.get_data(syms, dates, colname="Volume")
volume = volume_all[syms] # only portfolio symbols
# volume_SPY = volume_all['SPY'] # only SPY, for comparison later
if self.verbose:
def macd_strat(self, macd, orders):
def strat(ser):
m = macd.loc[ser.index]
prev_macd, prev_signal = m.iloc[0]
cur_macd, cur_signal = m.iloc[1]
shares = 0
if cur_macd < -1 and prev_macd < prev_signal and cur_macd > cur_signal:
if self.holding == 0:
shares = 1000
elif self.holding == -1000:
shares = 2000
elif cur_macd > 1 and prev_macd > prev_signal and cur_macd < cur_signal:
if self.holding == 0:
shares = -1000
elif self.holding == 1000:
shares = -2000
self.holding += shares
return shares
orders['Shares'] = orders['Shares'].rolling(2).apply(strat)
def three_indicator_strat(self, macd, rsi, price_sma, orders):
def strat(row):
shares = 0
_, _, macd_diff = macd.loc[row.name]
cur_rsi = rsi.loc[row.name][0]
cur_price_sma = price_sma.loc[row.name][0]
if self.holding == -1000 and cur_price_sma < 0.9:
shares = 2000
elif self.holding == 0 and cur_price_sma < 0.9:
shares = 1000
elif self.holding == -1000 and cur_rsi > 80:
shares = 2000
elif self.holding == 0 and cur_rsi > 80:
shares = 1000
elif self.holding == -1000 and macd_diff < -0.5:
shares = 2000
elif self.holding == 0 and macd_diff < -0.5:
shares = 1000
elif self.holding == 1000 and cur_price_sma > 1.1:
shares = -2000
elif self.holding == 0 and cur_price_sma > 1.1:
shares = -1000
self.holding += shares
return shares
orders['Shares'] = orders.apply(strat, axis=1)
def testPolicy(self, symbol="IBM",
sd=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1),
ed=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1),
self.holding = 0
df = util.get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed))
df.drop(columns=["SPY"], inplace=True)
orders = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index)
orders["Symbol"] = symbol
orders["Order"] = ""
orders["Shares"] = 0
macd = indicators.macd(df, symbol)
rsi = indicators.rsi(df, symbol)
price_sma = indicators.price_sma(df, symbol, [8])
# self.macd_strat(macd, orders)
self.three_indicator_strat(macd, rsi, price_sma, orders)
return orders