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Test a Q Learner in a navigation problem. (c) 2015 Tucker Balch
2016-10-20 Added "quicksand" and uncertain actions.
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Template code for CS 4646/7646
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Student Name: Tucker Balch (replace with your name)
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import numpy as np
import random as rand
import time
import math
import QLearner as ql
# print out the map
def printmap(data):
for row in range(0, data.shape[0]):
for col in range(0, data.shape[1]):
if data[row,col] == 0: # Empty space
print(" ", end=' ')
if data[row,col] == 1: # Obstacle
print("O", end=' ')
if data[row,col] == 2: # El roboto
print("*", end=' ')
if data[row,col] == 3: # Goal
print("X", end=' ')
if data[row,col] == 4: # Trail
print(".", end=' ')
if data[row,col] == 5: # Quick sand
print("~", end=' ')
if data[row,col] == 6: # Stepped in quicksand
print("@", end=' ')
# find where the robot is in the map
def getrobotpos(data):
R = -999
C = -999
for row in range(0, data.shape[0]):
for col in range(0, data.shape[1]):
if data[row,col] == 2:
C = col
R = row
if (R+C)<0:
print("warning: start location not defined")
return R, C
# find where the goal is in the map
def getgoalpos(data):
R = -999
C = -999
for row in range(0, data.shape[0]):
for col in range(0, data.shape[1]):
if data[row,col] == 3:
C = col
R = row
if (R+C)<0:
print("warning: goal location not defined")
return (R, C)
# move the robot and report reward
def movebot(data,oldpos,a):
testr, testc = oldpos
randomrate = 0.20 # how often do we move randomly
quicksandreward = -100 # penalty for stepping on quicksand
# decide if we're going to ignore the action and
# choose a random one instead
if rand.uniform(0.0, 1.0) <= randomrate: # going rogue
a = rand.randint(0,3) # choose the random direction
# update the test location
if a == 0: #north
testr = testr - 1
elif a == 1: #east
testc = testc + 1
elif a == 2: #south
testr = testr + 1
elif a == 3: #west
testc = testc - 1
reward = -1 # default reward is negative one
# see if it is legal. if not, revert
if testr < 0: # off the map
testr, testc = oldpos
elif testr >= data.shape[0]: # off the map
testr, testc = oldpos
elif testc < 0: # off the map
testr, testc = oldpos
elif testc >= data.shape[1]: # off the map
testr, testc = oldpos
elif data[testr, testc] == 1: # it is an obstacle
testr, testc = oldpos
elif data[testr, testc] == 5: # it is quicksand
reward = quicksandreward
data[testr, testc] = 6 # mark the event
elif data[testr, testc] == 6: # it is still quicksand
reward = quicksandreward
data[testr, testc] = 6 # mark the event
elif data[testr, testc] == 3: # it is the goal
reward = 1 # for reaching the goal
return (testr, testc), reward #return the new, legal location
# convert the location to a single integer
def discretize(pos):
return pos[0]*10 + pos[1]
def test(map, epochs, learner, verbose):
# each epoch involves one trip to the goal
startpos = getrobotpos(map) #find where the robot starts
goalpos = getgoalpos(map) #find where the goal is
scores = np.zeros((epochs,1))
for epoch in range(1,epochs+1):
total_reward = 0
data = map.copy()
robopos = startpos
state = discretize(robopos) #convert the location to a state
action = learner.querysetstate(state) #set the state and get first action
count = 0
while (robopos != goalpos) & (count<10000):
#move to new location according to action and then get a new action
newpos, stepreward = movebot(data,robopos,action)
if newpos == goalpos:
r = 1 # reward for reaching the goal
r = stepreward # negative reward for not being at the goal
state = discretize(newpos)
action = learner.query(state,r)
if data[robopos] != 6:
data[robopos] = 4 # mark where we've been for map printing
if data[newpos] != 6:
data[newpos] = 2 # move to new location
robopos = newpos # update the location
#if verbose: time.sleep(1)
total_reward += stepreward
count = count + 1
if count == 100000:
if verbose: printmap(data)
if verbose: print(f"{epoch}, {total_reward}")
scores[epoch-1,0] = total_reward
return np.median(scores)
# run the code to test a learner
def test_code():
verbose = False # print lots of debug stuff if True
# read in the map
filename = 'testworlds/world01.csv'
inf = open(filename)
data = np.array([list(map(float,s.strip().split(','))) for s in inf.readlines()])
originalmap = data.copy() #make a copy so we can revert to the original map later
if verbose: printmap(data)
######## run non-dyna test ########
learner = ql.QLearner(num_states=100,\
num_actions = 4, \
alpha = 0.2, \
gamma = 0.9, \
rar = 0.98, \
radr = 0.999, \
dyna = 0, \
verbose=False) #initialize the learner
epochs = 500
total_reward = test(data, epochs, learner, verbose)
print(f"{epochs}, median total_reward {total_reward}")
non_dyna_score = total_reward
######## run dyna test ########
learner = ql.QLearner(num_states=100,\
num_actions = 4, \
alpha = 0.2, \
gamma = 0.9, \
rar = 0.5, \
radr = 0.99, \
dyna = 200, \
verbose=False) #initialize the learner
epochs = 50
data = originalmap.copy()
total_reward = test(data, epochs, learner, verbose)
print(f"{epochs}, median total_reward {total_reward}")
dyna_score = total_reward
print(f"results for {filename}")
print(f"non_dyna_score: {non_dyna_score}")
print(f"dyna_score : {dyna_score}")
if __name__=="__main__":