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Start working on defeat learners assignment.

Felix Martin 2020-09-27 16:22:16 -04:00
parent 8ee47c9a1d
commit db537d7043
6 changed files with 503 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
A simple wrapper for linear regression. (c) 2015 Tucker Balch
Note, this is NOT a correct DTLearner; Replace with your own implementation.
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
works, including solutions to the projects assigned in this course. Students
and other users of this template code are advised not to share it with others
or to make it available on publicly viewable websites including repositories
such as github and gitlab. This copyright statement should not be removed
or edited.
We do grant permission to share solutions privately with non-students such
as potential employers. However, sharing with other current or future
students of CS 7646 is prohibited and subject to being investigated as a
GT honor code violation.
-----do not edit anything above this line---
Student Name: Tucker Balch (replace with your name)
GT User ID: tb34 (replace with your User ID)
GT ID: 900897987 (replace with your GT ID)
import numpy as np
import warnings
class DTLearner(object):
def __init__(self, leaf_size=1, verbose = False):
pass # move along, these aren't the drones you're looking for
def author(self):
return 'tb34' # replace tb34 with your Georgia Tech username
def addEvidence(self,dataX,dataY):
@summary: Add training data to learner
@param dataX: X values of data to add
@param dataY: the Y training values
# slap on 1s column so linear regression finds a constant term
newdataX = np.ones([dataX.shape[0],dataX.shape[1]+1])
# build and save the model
self.model_coefs, residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(newdataX, dataY, rcond=None)
def query(self,points):
@summary: Estimate a set of test points given the model we built.
@param points: should be a numpy array with each row corresponding to a specific query.
@returns the estimated values according to the saved model.
return (self.model_coefs[:-1] * points).sum(axis = 1) + self.model_coefs[-1]
if __name__=="__main__":
print("the secret clue is 'zzyzx'")

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
A simple wrapper for linear regression. (c) 2015 Tucker Balch
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
works, including solutions to the projects assigned in this course. Students
and other users of this template code are advised not to share it with others
or to make it available on publicly viewable websites including repositories
such as github and gitlab. This copyright statement should not be removed
or edited.
We do grant permission to share solutions privately with non-students such
as potential employers. However, sharing with other current or future
students of CS 7646 is prohibited and subject to being investigated as a
GT honor code violation.
-----do not edit anything above this line---
import numpy as np
class LinRegLearner(object):
def __init__(self, verbose = False):
pass # move along, these aren't the drones you're looking for
def author(self):
return 'tb34' # replace tb34 with your Georgia Tech username
def addEvidence(self,dataX,dataY):
@summary: Add training data to learner
@param dataX: X values of data to add
@param dataY: the Y training values
# slap on 1s column so linear regression finds a constant term
newdataX = np.ones([dataX.shape[0],dataX.shape[1]+1])
# build and save the model
self.model_coefs, residuals, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(newdataX, dataY, rcond=None)
def query(self,points):
@summary: Estimate a set of test points given the model we built.
@param points: should be a numpy array with each row corresponding to a specific query.
@returns the estimated values according to the saved model.
return (self.model_coefs[:-1] * points).sum(axis = 1) + self.model_coefs[-1]
if __name__=="__main__":
print("the secret clue is 'zzyzx'")

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
template for generating data to fool learners (c) 2016 Tucker Balch
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
works, including solutions to the projects assigned in this course. Students
and other users of this template code are advised not to share it with others
or to make it available on publicly viewable websites including repositories
such as github and gitlab. This copyright statement should not be removed
or edited.
We do grant permission to share solutions privately with non-students such
as potential employers. However, sharing with other current or future
students of CS 7646 is prohibited and subject to being investigated as a
GT honor code violation.
-----do not edit anything above this line---
Student Name: Tucker Balch (replace with your name)
GT User ID: tb34 (replace with your User ID)
GT ID: 900897987 (replace with your GT ID)
import numpy as np
import math
# this function should return a dataset (X and Y) that will work
# better for linear regression than decision trees
def best4LinReg(seed=1489683273):
X = np.zeros((100,2))
Y = np.random.random(size = (100,))*200-100
# Here's is an example of creating a Y from randomly generated
# X with multiple columns
# Y = X[:,0] + np.sin(X[:,1]) + X[:,2]**2 + X[:,3]**3
return X, Y
def best4DT(seed=1489683273):
X = np.zeros((100,2))
Y = np.random.random(size = (100,))*200-100
return X, Y
def author():
return 'tb34' #Change this to your user ID
if __name__=="__main__":
print("they call me Tim.")

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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
"""MC3-H1: Best4{LR,DT} - grading script.
- Switch to a student feedback directory first (will write "points.txt" and "comments.txt" in pwd).
- Run this script with both ml4t/ and student solution in PYTHONPATH, e.g.:
PYTHONPATH=ml4t:MC3-P1/jdoe7 python ml4t/mc3_p1_grading/grade_learners.py
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
works, including solutions to the projects assigned in this course. Students
and other users of this template code are advised not to share it with others
or to make it available on publicly viewable websites including repositories
such as github and gitlab. This copyright statement should not be removed
or edited.
We do grant permission to share solutions privately with non-students such
as potential employers. However, sharing with other current or future
students of CS 7646 is prohibited and subject to being investigated as a
GT honor code violation.
-----do not edit anything above this line---
import pytest
from grading.grading import grader, GradeResult, time_limit, run_with_timeout, IncorrectOutput
# These two lines will be commented out in the final grading script.
from LinRegLearner import LinRegLearner
from DTLearner import DTLearner
import os
import sys
import traceback as tb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import namedtuple
import math
import time
import functools
seconds_per_test_case = 5
max_points = 100.0
html_pre_block = True # surround comments with HTML <pre> tag (for T-Square comments field)
# Test cases
Best4TestCase = namedtuple('Best4TestCase', ['description', 'group','max_tests','needed_wins','row_limits','col_limits','seed'])
best4_test_cases = [
description="Test Case 1: Best4LinReg",
description="Test Case 2: Best4DT",
description='Test for author() method',
# Test functon(s)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("description,group,max_tests,needed_wins,row_limits,col_limits,seed", best4_test_cases)
def test_learners(description, group, max_tests, needed_wins, row_limits, col_limits, seed, grader):
"""Test data generation methods beat given learner.
Requires test description, test case group, and a grader fixture.
points_earned = 0.0 # initialize points for this test case
incorrect = True
msgs = []
dataX, dataY = None,None
same_dataX, same_dataY = None,None
diff_dataX, diff_dataY = None,None
betterLearner, worseLearner = None, None
if group=='author':
from gen_data import author
auth_string = run_with_timeout(author,seconds_per_test_case,(),{})
if auth_string == 'tb34':
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Incorrect author name (tb34)")
points_earned = -10
elif auth_string == '':
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Empty author name")
points_earned = -10
incorrect = False
except Exception as e:
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Exception occured when calling author() method: {}".format(e))
points_earned = -10
if group=="best4dt":
from gen_data import best4DT
dataX, dataY = run_with_timeout(best4DT,seconds_per_test_case,(),{'seed':seed})
same_dataX,same_dataY = run_with_timeout(best4DT,seconds_per_test_case,(),{'seed':seed})
diff_dataX,diff_dataY = run_with_timeout(best4DT,seconds_per_test_case,(),{'seed':seed+1})
betterLearner = DTLearner
worseLearner = LinRegLearner
elif group=='best4lr':
from gen_data import best4LinReg
dataX, dataY = run_with_timeout(best4LinReg,seconds_per_test_case,(),{'seed':seed})
same_dataX, same_dataY = run_with_timeout(best4LinReg,seconds_per_test_case,(),{'seed':seed})
diff_dataX, diff_dataY = run_with_timeout(best4LinReg,seconds_per_test_case,(),{'seed':seed+1})
betterLearner = LinRegLearner
worseLearner = DTLearner
num_samples = dataX.shape[0]
cutoff = int(num_samples*0.6)
worse_better_err = []
for run in range(max_tests):
permutation = np.random.permutation(num_samples)
train_X,train_Y = dataX[permutation[:cutoff]], dataY[permutation[:cutoff]]
test_X,test_Y = dataX[permutation[cutoff:]], dataY[permutation[cutoff:]]
better = betterLearner()
worse = worseLearner()
better_pred = better.query(test_X)
worse_pred = worse.query(test_X)
better_err = np.linalg.norm(test_Y-better_pred)
worse_err = np.linalg.norm(test_Y-worse_pred)
worse_better_err.append( (worse_err,better_err) )
worse_better_err.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: int((b[0]-b[1])-(a[0]-a[1]))))
better_wins_count = 0
for worse_err,better_err in worse_better_err:
if better_err < 0.9*worse_err:
better_wins_count = better_wins_count+1
points_earned += 5.0
if better_wins_count >= needed_wins:
incorrect = False
if (dataX.shape[0] < row_limits[0]) or (dataX.shape[0]>row_limits[1]):
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Invalid number of rows. Should be between {}, found {}".format(row_limits,dataX.shape[0]))
points_earned = max(0,points_earned-20)
if (dataX.shape[1] < col_limits[0]) or (dataX.shape[1]>col_limits[1]):
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Invalid number of columns. Should be between {}, found {}".format(col_limits,dataX.shape[1]))
points_earned = max(0,points_earned-20)
if better_wins_count < needed_wins:
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Better learner did not exceed worse learner. Expected {}, found {}".format(needed_wins,better_wins_count))
if not(np.array_equal(same_dataY,dataY)) or not(np.array_equal(same_dataX,dataX)):
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Did not produce the same data with the same seed.\n"+\
" First dataX:\n{}\n".format(dataX)+\
" Second dataX:\n{}\n".format(same_dataX)+\
" First dataY:\n{}\n".format(dataY)+\
" Second dataY:\n{}\n".format(same_dataY))
points_earned = max(0,points_earned-20)
if np.array_equal(diff_dataY,dataY) and np.array_equal(diff_dataX,dataX):
incorrect = True
msgs.append(" Did not produce different data with different seeds.\n"+\
" First dataX:\n{}\n".format(dataX)+\
" Second dataX:\n{}\n".format(diff_dataX)+\
" First dataY:\n{}\n".format(dataY)+\
" Second dataY:\n{}\n".format(diff_dataY))
points_earned = max(0,points_earned-20)
if incorrect:
if group=='author':
raise IncorrectOutput("Test failed on one or more criteria.\n {}".format('\n'.join(msgs)))
inputs_str = " Residuals: {}".format(worse_better_err)
raise IncorrectOutput("Test failed on one or more output criteria.\n Inputs:\n{}\n Failures:\n{}".format(inputs_str, "\n".join(msgs)))
if group != 'author':
avg_ratio = 0.0
worse_better_err.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a,b: int(np.sign((b[0]-b[1])-(a[0]-a[1])))))
for we,be in worse_better_err[:10]:
avg_ratio += (float(we) - float(be))
avg_ratio = avg_ratio/10.0
if group=="best4dt":
except Exception as e:
# Test result: failed
msg = "Description: {} (group: {})\n".format(description, group)
# Generate a filtered stacktrace, only showing erroneous lines in student file(s)
tb_list = tb.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
for i in range(len(tb_list)):
row = tb_list[i]
tb_list[i] = (os.path.basename(row[0]), row[1], row[2], row[3]) # show only filename instead of long absolute path
tb_list = [row for row in tb_list if (row[0] == 'gen_data.py')]
if tb_list:
msg += "Traceback:\n"
msg += ''.join(tb.format_list(tb_list)) # contains newlines
elif 'grading_traceback' in dir(e):
msg += "Traceback:\n"
msg += ''.join(tb.format_list(e.grading_traceback))
msg += "{}: {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))
# Report failure result to grader, with stacktrace
grader.add_result(GradeResult(outcome='failed', points=points_earned, msg=msg))
# Test result: passed (no exceptions)
grader.add_result(GradeResult(outcome='passed', points=points_earned, msg=None))
if __name__ == "__main__":
pytest.main(["-s", __file__])

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Test best4 data generator. (c) 2016 Tucker Balch
Copyright 2018, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Atlanta, Georgia 30332
All Rights Reserved
Template code for CS 4646/7646
Georgia Tech asserts copyright ownership of this template and all derivative
works, including solutions to the projects assigned in this course. Students
and other users of this template code are advised not to share it with others
or to make it available on publicly viewable websites including repositories
such as github and gitlab. This copyright statement should not be removed
or edited.
We do grant permission to share solutions privately with non-students such
as potential employers. However, sharing with other current or future
students of CS 7646 is prohibited and subject to being investigated as a
GT honor code violation.
-----do not edit anything above this line---
import numpy as np
import math
import LinRegLearner as lrl
import DTLearner as dt
from gen_data import best4LinReg, best4DT
# compare two learners' rmse out of sample
def compare_os_rmse(learner1, learner2, X, Y):
# compute how much of the data is training and testing
train_rows = int(math.floor(0.6* X.shape[0]))
test_rows = X.shape[0] - train_rows
# separate out training and testing data
train = np.random.choice(X.shape[0], size=train_rows, replace=False)
test = np.setdiff1d(np.array(range(X.shape[0])), train)
trainX = X[train, :]
trainY = Y[train]
testX = X[test, :]
testY = Y[test]
# train the learners
learner1.addEvidence(trainX, trainY) # train it
learner2.addEvidence(trainX, trainY) # train it
# evaluate learner1 out of sample
predY = learner1.query(testX) # get the predictions
rmse1 = math.sqrt(((testY - predY) ** 2).sum()/testY.shape[0])
# evaluate learner2 out of sample
predY = learner2.query(testX) # get the predictions
rmse2 = math.sqrt(((testY - predY) ** 2).sum()/testY.shape[0])
return rmse1, rmse2
def test_code():
# create two learners and get data
lrlearner = lrl.LinRegLearner(verbose = False)
dtlearner = dt.DTLearner(verbose = False, leaf_size = 1)
X, Y = best4LinReg()
# compare the two learners
rmseLR, rmseDT = compare_os_rmse(lrlearner, dtlearner, X, Y)
# share results
print("best4LinReg() results")
print(f"RMSE LR : {rmseLR}")
print(f"RMSE DT : {rmseDT}")
if rmseLR < 0.9 * rmseDT:
print("LR < 0.9 DT: pass")
print("LR >= 0.9 DT: fail")
# get data that is best for a random tree
lrlearner = lrl.LinRegLearner(verbose = False)
dtlearner = dt.DTLearner(verbose = False, leaf_size = 1)
X, Y = best4DT()
# compare the two learners
rmseLR, rmseDT = compare_os_rmse(lrlearner, dtlearner, X, Y)
# share results
print("best4RT() results")
print(f"RMSE LR : {rmseLR}")
print(f"RMSE DT : {rmseDT}")
if rmseDT < 0.9 * rmseLR:
print("DT < 0.9 LR: pass")
print("DT >= 0.9 LR: fail")
if __name__=="__main__":

Binary file not shown.