import ebooklib import logging import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag from bs4.element import NavigableString from ebooklib import epub from src.pokemon import Pokemon from typing import List, Dict from rich.progress import track from rich.console import Console POKEMON_ID_PREFIX = "pokemon-id-" def create_pokedex_chapter(pokemon: List[Pokemon]) -> epub.EpubHtml: POKEDEX_TITLE = "Pokedex" POKEDEX_FILE = "content/np_pokedex.xhtml" POKEDEX_UID = "np_pokedex" chapter = epub.EpubHtml( title=POKEDEX_TITLE, file_name=POKEDEX_FILE, uid=POKEDEX_UID ) content = ["


"] for p in pokemon: content.append(f'


') content.append( f'

[Pokemon {}]

' ) for paragraph in p.description.split("\n"): content.append(f"


") content.append("") chapter.content = "\n".join(content) return chapter def patch_chapter(chapter: epub.EpubHtml, pokemon_lookup: Dict[str, Pokemon]): r = re.compile("([:,.!?“”‘’… ]+)") soup: BeautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup(chapter.content, "html.parser") def pokemon_name_to_link(key: str, word: str) -> Tag: tag = soup.new_tag("a") tag.string = word tag.attrs["href"] = f"np_pokedex.xhtml#{POKEMON_ID_PREFIX}{key}" tag.attrs["style"] = "color:black;text-decoration:none" return tag def patch_string(section: NavigableString) -> List: """Replace Pokemon with link to Pokemon; requires splitting up the NavigableString into a list of NavigableStrings and Tags.""" result = [[]] for word in r.split(str(section)): if word.lower() in pokemon_lookup: pokemon_lookup[word.lower()].appears_in_book = True link = pokemon_name_to_link(word.lower(), word) result.append(link) result.append([]) else: result[-1].append(word) # convert words back into strings for i in range(len(result)): if isinstance(result[i], list): result[i] = NavigableString("".join(result[i])) return result def patch_paragraph(paragraph: Tag): contents = [] for section in paragraph.contents: if isinstance(section, NavigableString): contents += patch_string(section) else: patch_paragraph(section) contents.append(section) paragraph.contents = contents for p_soup in soup.find_all("p"): words_have_changed, words = False, [] patch_paragraph(p_soup) chapter.content = str(soup) def patch(epub_filepath: str, pokemon: List[Pokemon]): book = epub.read_epub(epub_filepath) pokemon_lookup = { p for p in pokemon} chapters = [ b for b in book.get_items() if isinstance(b, epub.EpubHtml) if"np_") ] for c in track(chapters, description="Add Pokemon links to chapters"): patch_chapter(c, pokemon_lookup) # only add Pokemon to Pokedex chapter that appear (in the book) pokemon = [p for p in pokemon if p.appears_in_book] chapter = create_pokedex_chapter(pokemon) book.add_item(chapter) link = epub.Link(chapter.file_name, chapter.title, book.toc.append(link) book.spine.append((, "yes")) for p in pokemon: image_content = open(p.img_filepath, "rb").read() img = epub.EpubItem(, file_name=p.img_filepath, media_type="image/png", content=image_content, ) book.add_item(img) console = Console() epub_out = epub_filepath.replace(".", "-with-links.") with console.status(f"Writing {epub_out}"): epub.write_epub(epub_out, book, {}) console.print(f"[green]✓[/green] [orange1]{epub_out}[/orange1] written")