
41 lines
1.2 KiB

def fib():
a, b = 1, 1
yield a
yield b
while True:
a, b = b, a + b
yield b
def pisano_period(fibs, n):
for period in range(2, 130):
if fibs[0] % n == fibs[period] % n and fibs[1] % n == fibs[period + 1] % n:
return period
return None
def euler_853():
r = 0
fs = fib()
fibs = [next(fs) for _ in range(400)]
upper = 10**9
pi_target = 120
for n in range(2, upper + 1):
# Check if pi_target is a period.
if fibs[0] % n == fibs[pi_target] % n and fibs[1] % n == fibs[pi_target + 1] % n:
# Make sure that no lower period than pi_target exits.
if pisano_period(fibs, n) == pi_target:
r += n
# print(n, prime_factors(n))
# I have noticed that the highest prime factor is always 61 or
# 2521, so we could probably also get the solution by
# enumerating the prime factors that yield a sum smaller than
# upper and have 61 or 2521 as their last factor.
return r
if __name__ == "__main__":
solution = euler_853()
print(" " + str(solution))
assert solution == 44511058204