
112 lines
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from lib_misc import gcd
from lib_misc import is_permutation
class Primes(object):
def __init__(self, n_max):
import bitarray
self.n_max = n_max
b = bitarray.bitarray(n_max)
n = 1
b[n - 1] = False
while n * n <= n_max:
if b[n - 1] is True:
for i in range(n + n, n_max + 1, n):
b[i - 1] = False
n += 1
self.b = b
def iter_down(self):
for i in range(self.n_max, 0, -1):
if self.b[i - 1]:
yield i
raise StopIteration
def iter_up(self):
for i in range(1, self.n_max + 1):
if self.b[i - 1]:
yield i
raise StopIteration
def iter_range(self, n_min, n_max):
for i in range(n_min, n_max + 1):
if self.b[i - 1]:
yield i
raise StopIteration
def is_prime(self, n):
if n > self.n_max:
raise Exception("n greater than n_max")
return self.b[n - 1]
def relative_primes_count_naiv(n):
return len([i for i in range(1, n) if gcd(n, i) == 1])
def relative_primes_count_factors(n, fs):
XXX: this method has a bug that first occurs for n = 60. Use totient
function from instead! For some curious reason it is good enough
for this problem. Probably because we only deal with two factors ever.
from itertools import combinations
rel_primes_count = n - 1 # n itself is not a relative prime
for f in fs:
rel_primes_count -= (n // f - 1)
for f_1, f_2 in combinations(fs, 2):
f = f_1 * f_2
rel_primes_count += (n // f - 1)
return rel_primes_count
def get_phi(n):
r = relative_primes_count_naiv(n)
return n / r
def get_phi_factors(n, fs):
r = relative_primes_count_factors(n, fs)
return n / r
def euler_070():
I struggled harder than I should have with this problem. I realized
quickly that a prime can't be the solution because a prime minus one
cannot be a permutation of itself. I then figured that the solution is
probably a number with two prime factors. I implemented an algorithm, but
it did not yield the right solution.
I tried a couple of things like squaring one prime factor which does not
yield a solution at all and three factors. Finally, I came up with a
faster algorithm to get the number of relative primes faster. With that
procedure I was then able to bruteforce the problem in 10 minutes.
When analyzing the solution I saw that it actually consists of two primes
which means my orginal algorithm had a bug. After reimplenting it was able
to find the solution in under 30 seconds. We could further optimize this
by making the search range for the two factors smaller. """
n = 10**7
ps = Primes(n // 1000)
phi_min = 1000
n_phi_min = 0
for p_1 in ps.iter_down():
for p_2 in ps.iter_range(1000, n // 1000):
n_new = p_1 * p_2
if n_new > n:
rel_primes_n_new = relative_primes_count_factors(n_new, [p_1, p_2])
phi_new = n_new / rel_primes_n_new
if phi_new < phi_min and is_permutation(n_new, rel_primes_n_new):
phi_min = phi_new
n_phi_min = n_new
return n_phi_min
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(" " + str(euler_070()))
assert(euler_070() == 8319823)