Solve three easy problems to Easy Prey award.

felixm 2023-10-23 12:32:51 -04:00
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
def remainder(a: int, n: int) -> int:
d = a * a
return (pow(a - 1, n, d) + pow(a + 1, n, d)) % d
def max_remainder(a: int) -> int:
n, r_max = 1, 2
while True:
r = remainder(a, n)
if r == r_max:
if r > r_max:
r_max = r
n += 1
assert(r_max > 2)
return r_max
def euler_120():
assert(remainder(7, 3) == 42)
assert(max_remainder(7) == 42)
return sum([max_remainder(n) for n in range(3, 1001)])
if __name__ == "__main__":
solution = euler_120()
print(" " + str(solution))
assert(solution == 333082500)

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from typing import List, Optional
from math import sqrt
from functools import lru_cache
def to_int(digits: List[int]) -> int:
return int("".join(map(str, digits)))
def int_len(n: int) -> int:
return len(str(n))
def digits_make_sum(digits, remainder: int) -> Optional[List]:
if len(digits) == 0:
if remainder == 0:
return []
return None
remainder_digits_count = int_len(remainder)
if remainder_digits_count > len(digits):
return None
if to_int(digits) < remainder:
return None
for group_size in range(1, remainder_digits_count + 1):
digits_list = list(digits)
rest_value = remainder - to_int(digits_list[:group_size])
rest_digits = tuple(digits_list[group_size:])
r = digits_make_sum(rest_digits, rest_value)
if type(r) is list:
return [digits_list[:group_size]] + r
return None
def digits_sum_to(digits, number: int):
r = digits_make_sum(digits, number)
if type(r) is list:
# print(digits, r, number)
return True
return False
def t(limit: int) -> int:
r = 0
for base in range(4, int(sqrt(limit)) + 1):
n = base * base
n_digits = tuple(map(int, list(str(n))))
if digits_sum_to(n_digits, base):
r += n
return r
def euler_719():
assert(t(10**4) == 41333)
assert(digits_sum_to((1, 0, 0), 10) == True)
assert(digits_sum_to((1, 8), 9) == True)
assert(digits_sum_to((2, 5), 5) == False)
assert(digits_sum_to((8, 2, 8, 1), 91) == True)
assert(t(10**6) == 10804656)
return t(10**12)
if __name__ == "__main__":
solution = euler_719()
print(" " + str(solution))
assert(solution == 128088830547982)

python/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import re
TEXT = """
<p>Let $A$ be an <b>affine plane</b> over a <b>radically integral local field</b> $F$ with residual characteristic $p$.</p>
<p>We consider an <b>open oriented line section</b> $U$ of $A$ with normalized Haar measure $m$.</p>
<p>Define $f(m, p)$ as the maximal possible discriminant of the <b>jacobian</b> associated to the <b>orthogonal kernel embedding</b> of $U$ <span style="white-space:nowrap;">into $A$.</span></p>
<p>Find $f(20230401, 57)$. Give as your answer the concatenation of the first letters of each bolded word.</p>
def euler_836():
r = ''
for m in re.findall(r'<b>(.*?)</b>', TEXT):
words = m.split(' ')
for word in words:
r += word[0]
return r
if __name__ == "__main__":
solution = euler_836()
print(" " + str(solution))
assert(solution == 'aprilfoolsjoke')