Update program list

felixm 2023-06-17 09:21:05 -04:00
parent cf5b9d0d73
commit fd069d4a9d
1 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
,alacritty,"nice terminal emulator."
,arandr,"allows the user to customize monitor arrangements."
,bat,"can highlight code output and display files."
,brightnessctl,"adjust screen brightness."
,calibre,"for nice ebook reading."
,dex,"launches Desktop files on startx."
,dunst,"is a suckless notification system."
,feh,"is a minimalist image viewer."
,ffmpeg,"can record and splice video and audio on the command line."
,flameshot,"can take quick screenshots at your request."
@ -11,15 +13,21 @@
,gnome-keyring,"serves as the system keyring."
,i3lock,"allows you to lock your computer, and quickly unlock with your password."
,keepassxc,"is a password manager."
,kitty,"other nice terminal emulator."
,man-db,"lets you read man pages of programs."
,mediainfo,"shows audio and video information."
,moreutils,"is a collection of useful unix tools."
,mpv,"is the patrician's choice video player."
,nm-applet,"because we want a Network Manager applet."
,noto-fonts-emoji,"is an emoji font."
,ntp,"for time synchronization."
,pacman,"clearly our package manager."
,pasystray,"provides a system tray for volume control."
,pipewire,"is the audio system."
,pipewire-pulse,"gives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs."
,poppler,"manipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions."
,pulseaudio,"enables the Linux sound system."
,pulsemixer,"is an audio controller."
,qtile,"is the window manager I use nowadays."
,rigrep,"is an ultra fast version of grep written in Rust."
,rofi,"is a launcher that sucks more than dmenu."
@ -41,7 +49,6 @@
#,bc,"is used for a dropdown calculator."
#,dmenu,"runs commands and provides a UI for selection."
#,dosfstools,"allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems."
#,dunst,"is a suckless notification system."
#,exfat-utils,"allows management of FAT drives."
#,libnotify,"allows desktop notifications."
#,lynx,"is a terminal browser."
@ -52,9 +59,6 @@
#,newsboat,"is a terminal RSS client."
#,ntfs-3g,"allows accessing NTFS partitions."
#,pamixer,"is a command-line audio interface."
#,pipewire,"is the audio system."
#,pipewire-pulse,"gives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs."
#,pulsemixer,"is an audio controller."
#,python-qdarkstyle,"provides a dark Qt theme."
#,socat,"is a utility which establishes two byte streams and transfers data between them."
#,sxiv,"is a minimalist image viewer."

1 alacritty nice terminal emulator.
2 arandr allows the user to customize monitor arrangements.
3 bat can highlight code output and display files.
4 brightnessctl adjust screen brightness.
5 calibre for nice ebook reading.
6 dex launches Desktop files on startx.
7 dunst is a suckless notification system.
8 feh is a minimalist image viewer.
9 ffmpeg can record and splice video and audio on the command line.
10 flameshot can take quick screenshots at your request.
13 gnome-keyring serves as the system keyring.
14 i3lock allows you to lock your computer, and quickly unlock with your password.
15 keepassxc is a password manager.
16 kitty other nice terminal emulator.
17 man-db lets you read man pages of programs.
18 mediainfo shows audio and video information.
19 moreutils is a collection of useful unix tools.
20 mpv is the patrician's choice video player.
21 nm-applet because we want a Network Manager applet.
22 noto-fonts-emoji is an emoji font.
23 ntp for time synchronization.
24 pacman clearly our package manager.
25 pasystray provides a system tray for volume control.
26 pipewire is the audio system.
27 pipewire-pulse gives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs.
28 poppler manipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions.
29 pulseaudio enables the Linux sound system.
30 pulsemixer is an audio controller.
31 qtile is the window manager I use nowadays.
32 rigrep is an ultra fast version of grep written in Rust.
33 rofi is a launcher that sucks more than dmenu.
49 # bc is used for a dropdown calculator.
50 # dmenu runs commands and provides a UI for selection.
51 # dosfstools allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems.
# dunst is a suckless notification system.
52 # exfat-utils allows management of FAT drives.
53 # libnotify allows desktop notifications.
54 # lynx is a terminal browser.
59 # newsboat is a terminal RSS client.
60 # ntfs-3g allows accessing NTFS partitions.
61 # pamixer is a command-line audio interface.
# pipewire is the audio system.
# pipewire-pulse gives pipewire compatibility with PulseAudio programs.
# pulsemixer is an audio controller.
62 # python-qdarkstyle provides a dark Qt theme.
63 # socat is a utility which establishes two byte streams and transfers data between them.
64 # sxiv is a minimalist image viewer.