# AntiDrift Utilize your computer purposefully. ## Make executable and install ``` pip install pyinstaller --user pyinstaller --onefile antidrift.py sudo cp dist/antidrift /usr/bin ``` ## Dependencies - dbus-python - glib ## Create sudoers configuration Create a file `antidrift` in `/etc/sudoers.d`. This allows antidrift to run itself with sudo ultimately making it unkillable from the regular user. ``` user hostname = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/antidrift ``` ## Autostart with systemd - Create `~/.config/systemd/user/antidrift.service` - Add configuration below and save - Run `systemctl --user enable antidrift.service` ``` [Unit] Description=AntiDrift [Service] ExecStart=antidrift [Install] WantedBy=default.target ``` ## Autostart via desktop file Create a file `antidrift.desktop` in `/etc/xdg/autostart`. Add the following content to the file. ``` [Desktop Entry] Name=AntiDrift Exec=antidrift Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=false ``` Your window manager will now start antidrift automatically.