(load "shared/util.scm") (load "shared/lib-amb.scm") (define (require p) (if (not p) (amb))) (define (an-element-of items) (require (not (null? items))) (amb (car items) (an-element-of (cdr items)))) (define (an-integer-starting-from n) (amb n (an-integer-starting-from (+ n 1)))) (display "\nex-4.35 - an-integer-between\n") (define (an-integer-between a b) (require (<= a b)) (amb a (an-integer-between (+ a 1) b))) (define (a-pythagorean-triple-between low high) (let ((i (an-integer-between low high))) (let ((j (an-integer-between i high))) (let ((k (an-integer-between j high))) (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k))) (list i j k))))) (display "[done]\n") (display "\nex-4.36 - all-pythagorean-triples\n") ; If we replace an-integer-between with an-integer-starting-from the variables ; i and j will stay at their initial value 1 while k will increment endlessly. ; Hence, only triplets of the form (1 1 n) will be generated. (define (all-pythagorean-triples) (let ((i (an-integer-starting-from 1))) (let ((j (an-integer-starting-from i))) (let ((k (an-integer-starting-from j))) (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k))) (list i j k))))) (define (all-pythagorean-triples) (let ((k (an-integer-starting-from 1))) (let ((i (an-integer-between 1 k))) (let ((j (an-integer-between i k))) (require (= (+ (* i i) (* j j)) (* k k))) (list i j k))))) ; Note: It would be more efficient to choose to integers and then calculate if ; (+ (* i i) (* j j)) is a perfect square. (display "[done]\n") (display "\nex-4.37 - more-efficient-pythagorean-triples\n") (define (a-pythagorean-triple-between low high) (let ((i (an-integer-between low high)) (hsq (* high high))) (let ((j (an-integer-between i high))) (let ((ksq (+ (* i i) (* j j)))) (require (>= hsq ksq)) (let ((k (sqrt ksq))) (require (integer? k)) (list i j k)))))) ; This implementation uses my note from the previous exercises. Computing sqrt ; and checking for integer is faster ultimately, because the majority of ; combinations are not solutions. (display "[answered]\n") (display "\nex-4.38 - multiple-dwelling\n") (define (distinct? items) (cond ((null? items) true) ((null? (cdr items)) true) ((member (car items) (cdr items)) false) (else (distinct? (cdr items))))) (define (multiple-dwelling) (let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith))) (require (not (= baker 5))) (require (not (= cooper 1))) (require (not (= fletcher 5))) (require (not (= fletcher 1))) (require (> miller cooper)) (require (not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1))) ; adjacent floors constraint (require (not (= (abs (- fletcher cooper)) 1))) (list (list 'baker baker) (list 'cooper cooper) (list 'fletcher fletcher) (list 'miller miller) (list 'smith smith)))) (my-assert (multiple-dwelling) '((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1))) (define (multiple-dwelling-removed) (let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5)) (smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith))) (require (not (= baker 5))) (require (not (= cooper 1))) (require (not (= fletcher 5))) (require (not (= fletcher 1))) (require (> miller cooper)) ;; (require (not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1))) ; adjacent floors constraint (require (not (= (abs (- fletcher cooper)) 1))) (list (list 'baker baker) (list 'cooper cooper) (list 'fletcher fletcher) (list 'miller miller) (list 'smith smith)))) ; There are five solutions when the adjacent floor constraint for smith and ; fletcher is removed. (my-assert (length (set-of (multiple-dwelling-removed))) 5) (display "\nex-4.39 - multiple-dwelling-ordering\n") ; The ordering does not matter because the interpreter first evaluates all ambs ; and then runs the checks. The interpreter will check all combinations even if ; they cannot yield a possible solution, such as (fletcher 1). To avoid this one ; would have to interleave the amb expression and the checks. (display "[answered]\n") (define (repeat proc n) (if (= n 0) 't (begin (proc) (repeat proc (- n 1))))) (let ((start-time (runtime))) (repeat multiple-dwelling 10) (display "[default = ") (display (- (runtime) start-time)) (display "]\n")) (display "\nex-4.40 - multiple-dwelling-improved\n") (define (multiple-dwelling) (let ((baker (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (not (= baker 5))) (let ((cooper (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (distinct? (list baker cooper))) (require (not (= baker cooper))) (require (not (= cooper 1))) (let ((fletcher (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher))) (require (not (= cooper fletcher))) (require (not (= fletcher 5))) (require (not (= fletcher 1))) (let ((miller (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher miller))) (require (not (= fletcher miller))) (require (> miller cooper)) (require (not (= (abs (- fletcher cooper)) 1))) (let ((smith (amb 1 2 3 4 5))) (require (distinct? (list baker cooper fletcher miller smith))) (require (not (= (abs (- smith fletcher)) 1))) (list (list 'baker baker) (list 'cooper cooper) (list 'fletcher fletcher) (list 'miller miller) (list 'smith smith)))))))) (my-assert (multiple-dwelling) '((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1))) (let ((start-time (runtime))) (repeat multiple-dwelling 10) (display "[improved = ") (display (- (runtime) start-time)) (display "]\n")) (display "\nex-4.41 - multiple-dwelling-ordinary\n") ; Appand all ys to xs. (define (append-all xs ys) (map (lambda (y) (append xs (list y))) ys)) (define (available-floors dwelling) (filter (lambda (x) (not (memq x dwelling))) '(1 2 3 4 5))) (define (flatten xss) (if (null? xss) xss (if (pair? (car (car xss))) (reduce append '() xss) xss))) (define (multiple-dwelling-ordinary) (define baker first) (define cooper second) (define fletcher third) (define miller fourth) (define smith fifth) (define (dwellings dwelling constraints) (if (null? constraints) dwelling (let ((new-dwellings (filter (car constraints) (append-all dwelling (available-floors dwelling))))) (flatten (filter (lambda (x) (not (null? x))) (map (lambda (dwelling) (dwellings dwelling (cdr constraints))) new-dwellings)))))) (define constraints (list (lambda (dwelling) (not (= (baker dwelling) 5))) (lambda (dwelling) (not (= (cooper dwelling) 1))) (lambda (dwelling) (and (not (= (fletcher dwelling) 5)) (not (= (fletcher dwelling) 1)))) (lambda (dwelling) (and (> (miller dwelling) (cooper dwelling)) (not (= (abs (- (fletcher dwelling) (cooper dwelling))) 1)))) (lambda (dwelling) (not (= (abs (- (smith dwelling) (fletcher dwelling))) 1))) ;(lambda (dwelling) #t) ; no adjacent floor constraint for smith and fletcher )) (define (tag-result xs) (map (lambda (name number) (list name number)) '(baker cooper fletcher miller smith) xs)) (map tag-result (dwellings '() constraints))) (my-assert (multiple-dwelling) (car (multiple-dwelling-ordinary))) (display "\nex-4.42 - liars-puzzle\n") (define (xor p q) (require (or (and p (not q)) (and (not p) q)))) (define (liars-puzzle) (let ((ethel (an-integer-between 1 5)) (joan (an-integer-between 1 5))) (xor (= ethel 1) (= joan 2)) (xor (= joan 3) (= ethel 5)) (let ((kitty (an-integer-between 1 5)) (betty (an-integer-between 1 5)) (mary (an-integer-between 1 5))) (xor (= kitty 2) (= betty 3)) (xor (= kitty 2) (= mary 4)) (xor (= mary 4) (= betty 1)) (require (distinct? (list kitty betty ethel joan mary))) (map list '(kitty betty ethel joan mary) (list kitty betty ethel joan mary))))) (display (liars-puzzle)) (newline) ; My solution to this problem was previously wrong because I didn't check for ; the either or conditions at the same step of the search. Consequently, a true ; statement of one student could be a false statement of the other student. ; This cannot happen when we check at the same time. (display "\nex-4.43 - lornas-father\n") ; (daughter father yacht) (define daughter first) (define father second) (define yacht third) (define (lornas-father) (let* ((moore-daughter (amb 'mary-ann)) (moore-yacht (amb 'lorna)) (moore (list moore-daughter 'moore moore-yacht))) (let* ((downing-daughter (amb 'gabrielle 'lorna 'rosalind)) (downing-yacht (amb 'melissa)) (downing (list downing-daughter 'downing downing-yacht))) (require (distinct? (list moore-daughter downing-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-yacht downing-yacht))) (require (distinct? (list downing-yacht downing-daughter))) (let* ((hall-daughter (amb 'gabrielle 'lorna 'melissa)) (hall-yacht (amb 'rosalind)) (hall (list hall-daughter 'hall hall-yacht))) (require (distinct? (list hall-yacht hall-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-daughter downing-daughter hall-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-yacht downing-yacht hall-yacht))) (let* ((barnacle-daughter (amb 'melissa)) (barnacle-yacht (amb 'gabrielle)) (barnacle (list barnacle-daughter 'barnacle barnacle-yacht))) (require (distinct? (list barnacle-yacht barnacle-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-daughter downing-daughter hall-daughter barnacle-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-yacht downing-yacht hall-yacht barnacle-yacht))) (let* ((parker-daughter (amb 'gabrielle 'lorna 'rosalind 'melissa)) (parker-yacht (amb 'mary-ann 'gabrielle 'lorna 'rosalind 'melissa)) (parker (list parker-daughter 'parker parker-yacht))) (require (distinct? (list parker-yacht parker-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-daughter downing-daughter hall-daughter barnacle-daughter parker-daughter))) (require (distinct? (list moore-yacht downing-yacht hall-yacht barnacle-yacht parker-yacht))) (require (eq? parker-daughter (yacht (assoc 'gabrielle (list moore downing hall barnacle parker))))) (father (assoc 'lorna (list moore downing hall barnacle parker))))))))) (my-assert (lornas-father) 'downing) (display "\nex-4.44 - eight-queens\n") ; Copied from ex-2_33-43.scm (define (safe? board) (define (valid-position row diag board) (if (null? board) #t (let ((cur_row (car board))) (if (or (= row cur_row) ; same row (= (+ row diag) cur_row) ; upper right diagonal (= (- row diag) cur_row)) ; lower left diagonal #f (valid-position row (+ diag 1) (cdr board)))))) (valid-position (car board) 1 (cdr board))) (define (queens) (define (positions) (amb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) (define (queens-iter board remaining) (if (= remaining 0) board (let* ((current-queen (positions)) (new-board (cons current-queen board))) (require (safe? new-board)) (queens-iter new-board (- remaining 1))))) (queens-iter '() 8)) (my-assert (queens) '(4 2 7 3 6 8 5 1)) (my-assert (length (set-of (queens))) 92)