Implement 4.41

Felix Martin 2021-02-04 08:58:09 -05:00
parent 48816043d7
commit a76e30ddca
1 changed files with 53 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -100,6 +100,8 @@
(my-assert (multiple-dwelling)
'((baker 3) (cooper 2) (fletcher 4) (miller 5) (smith 1)))
; There are five solutions when the adjacent floor constraint for smith and
; fletcher is removed.
(display "\nex-4.39 - multiple-dwelling-ordering\n")
@ -162,9 +164,59 @@
(display "\nex-4.41 - multiple-dwelling-ordinary\n")
; Appand all ys to xs.
(define (append-all xs ys)
(map (lambda (y) (append xs (list y))) ys))
(define (available-floors dwelling)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (memq x dwelling))) '(1 2 3 4 5)))
(define (flatten xss)
(if (null? xss)
(if (pair? (car (car xss)))
(reduce append '() xss)
(define (multiple-dwelling-ordinary)
(define baker first)
(define cooper second)
(define fletcher third)
(define miller fourth)
(define smith fifth)
(define (dwellings dwelling constraints)
(if (null? constraints)
(let ((new-dwellings (filter (car constraints)
(append-all dwelling (available-floors dwelling)))))
(flatten (filter
(lambda (x) (not (null? x)))
(map (lambda (dwelling) (dwellings dwelling (cdr constraints))) new-dwellings))))))
(define constraints
(lambda (dwelling) (not (= (baker dwelling) 5)))
(lambda (dwelling) (not (= (cooper dwelling) 1)))
(lambda (dwelling) (and (not (= (fletcher dwelling) 5))
(not (= (fletcher dwelling) 1))))
(lambda (dwelling) (and (> (miller dwelling) (cooper dwelling))
(not (= (abs (- (fletcher dwelling) (cooper dwelling))) 1))))
(lambda (dwelling) (not (= (abs (- (smith dwelling) (fletcher dwelling))) 1)))
;(lambda (dwelling) #t) ; no adjacent floor constraint for smith and fletcher
(define (tag-result xs)
(map (lambda (name number) (list name number))
'(baker cooper fletcher miller smith)
(map tag-result (dwellings '() constraints)))
(my-assert (multiple-dwelling)
(car (multiple-dwelling-ordinary)))
(display "\nex-4.42\n")
; (display "\nex-4.43\n")
(display "\nex-4.43\n")
; (display "\nex-4.44 - eight-queens\n")