Implement 5.47

Felix Martin 2021-05-01 15:05:10 -04:00
parent 867e456de1
commit 90bd09efc1
2 changed files with 90 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -60,36 +60,102 @@
(display "[done]\n")
(display "\nex-5.47\n")
(display "\nex-5.47 - call-interpreted-from-compiled\n")
; Exercise 5.47. This section described how to modify the explicit-control
; evaluator so that interpreted code can call compiled procedures. Show how to
; modify the compiler so that compiled procedures can call not only primitive
; procedures and compiled procedures, but interpreted procedures as well. This
; requires modifying compile-procedure-call to handle the case of compound
; (interpreted) procedures. Be sure to handle all the same target and linkage
; combinations as in compile-proc-appl. To do the actual procedure application,
; the code needs to jump to the evaluator's compound-apply entry point. This
; label cannot be directly referenced in object code (since the assembler
; requires that all labels referenced by the code it is assembling be defined
; there), so we will add a register called compapp to the evaluator machine to
; hold this entry point, and add an instruction to initialize it:
(define (compile-procedure-call target linkage)
(let* ((primitive-branch (make-label 'primitive-branch))
(compiled-branch (make-label 'compiled-branch))
(interpreted-branch (make-label 'interpreted-branch))
(after-call (make-label 'after-call))
(compiled-linkage (if (eq? linkage 'next) after-call linkage))
'(proc) '()
`((test (op primitive-procedure?) (reg proc))
(branch (label ,primitive-branch)))))
'(proc) '()
`((test (op compiled-procedure?) (reg proc))
(branch (label ,compiled-branch)))))
(compile-intp-appl target compiled-linkage)))
(compile-proc-appl target compiled-linkage)))
'(proc argl) (list target)
`((assign ,target (op apply-primitive-procedure) (reg proc) (reg argl))))))))
; (assign compapp (label compound-apply))
; (branch (label external-entry)) ; branches if flag is set
; ...
(define (compile-intp-appl target linkage)
(cond ((and (eq? target 'val) (not (eq? linkage 'return)))
'(proc) all-regs
`((save continue)
(assign continue (label ,linkage))
(save continue)
(goto (reg compapp)))))
((and (not (eq? target 'val)) (not (eq? linkage 'return)))
(let ((proc-return (make-label 'proc-return)))
(make-instruction-sequence '(proc) all-regs
`((save continue)
(assign continue (label ,proc-return))
(save continue)
(goto (reg compapp))
(assign ,target (reg val))
(goto (label ,linkage))))))
((and (eq? target 'val) (eq? linkage 'return))
'(proc) all-regs
`((save continue)
(goto (reg compapp)))))
(else (error "unsupported target linkage -- COMPILE-INTP-APPL"
(list target linkage)))))
; To test your code, start by defining a procedure f that calls a procedure g.
; Use compile-and-go to compile the definition of f and start the evaluator.
; Now, typing at the evaluator, define g and try to call f.
(define expression
(define (f n)
(g n))
(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 1)
(* (factorial (- n 1)) n)))))
; (compile-to-file expression 'val 'return "f-call-interpreted.scm")
;; Requires compile-to-file from ex-5_3_31-38.scm
'(define (f n)
(g n)))
; (compile-and-go expression)
;; To test this exercise uncomment the previous line, then:
;; $ mit-scheme
;; 1 ]=> (load "ex-5_45-xx")
;; 2 ]=> (define (g n) (* n n n))
;; 3 ]=> (f 3) ; calls interpreted 'g'
(display "[done]\n")
(display "\nex-5.48\n")
; (display "\nex-5.49\n")
; (display "\nex-5.50\n")
; (display "\nex-5.51\n")
; (display "\nex-5.52\n")

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(set-register-contents! eceval 'val instructions)
(set-register-contents! eceval 'flag true)
(start eceval)))
;;**NB. To [not] monitor stack operations, comment in/[out] the line after
;; print-result in the machine controller below
;;**Also choose the desired make-stack version in regsim.scm