Implement till 4.52

Felix Martin 2021-02-24 12:50:17 -05:00
parent 88859171ba
commit 36f9f625ea
2 changed files with 86 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -319,9 +319,71 @@
; because we used list-amb to get amb behavior. We would need list-ramb which would
; require shuffling the items inside the evalutor or use something like apply.
(display "\nex-4.51\n")
(display "\nex-4.51 - permanent-set!\n")
(display "\nex-4.52\n")
; (display "\nex-4.53\n")
; (display "\nex-4.54\n")
(amball '(begin
(define count 0)
(let ((x (amb 'a 'b 'c))
(y (amb 'a 'b 'c)))
(permanent-set! count (+ count 1))
(require (not (eq? x y)))
(list x y count))
; With set! all counts would be 1. With permanent-set! every tried combination
; increments the counts. Hence, all counts are unique and count increments up
; to 9. (c c) would be nine and (b c) is eight.
(define (last xs)
(if (null? (cdr xs))
(car xs)
(last (cdr xs))))
(assert (first result) '(a b 2))
(assert (last result) '(c b 8))
(display "\nex-4.52 - if-fail\n")
; Exercise 4.52. Implement a new construct called if-fail that permits the
; user to catch the failure of an expression. If-fail takes two expressions. It
; evaluates the first expression as usual and returns as usual if the
; evaluation succeeds. If the evaluation fails, however, the value of the
; second expression is returned, as in the following example:
(define (analyze-if-fail exp)
(let ((a (analyze (if-fail-first exp)))
(b (analyze (if-fail-second exp))))
(lambda (env succeed fail)
(a env
(lambda (a-value fail2) (succeed a-value fail))
(lambda () (b env succeed fail))))))
;;; Amb-Eval input:
(amball '(begin
(define (even? n)
(= (remainder n 2) 0))
(if-fail (let ((x (amb 1 3 5)))
(require (even? x))
(assert (first result) 'all-odd)
(amball '(begin
(if-fail (let ((x (amb 1 3 5 8)))
(require (even? x))
(assert (first result) 8)
(display "\nex-4.53\n")
(display "\nex-4.54\n")

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@ -105,6 +105,9 @@
(define (assignment? exp)
(tagged-list? exp 'set!))
(define (permanent-assignment? exp)
(tagged-list? exp 'permanent-set!))
(define (assignment-variable exp) (cadr exp))
(define (assignment-value exp) (caddr exp))
@ -377,8 +380,10 @@
((quoted? exp) (analyze-quoted exp))
((variable? exp) (analyze-variable exp))
((assignment? exp) (analyze-assignment exp))
((permanent-assignment? exp) (analyze-permanent-assignment exp))
((definition? exp) (analyze-definition exp))
((if? exp) (analyze-if exp))
((if-fail? exp) (analyze-if-fail exp))
((lambda? exp) (analyze-lambda exp))
((begin? exp) (analyze-sequence (begin-actions exp)))
((cond? exp) (analyze (cond->if exp)))
@ -432,6 +437,10 @@
;; failure continuation for evaluating the predicate
(define (if-fail? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'if-fail))
(define (if-fail-first exp) (cadr exp))
(define (if-fail-second exp) (caddr exp))
(define (analyze-sequence exps)
(define (sequentially a b)
(lambda (env succeed fail)
@ -480,6 +489,17 @@
(define (analyze-permanent-assignment exp)
(let ((var (assignment-variable exp))
(vproc (analyze (assignment-value exp))))
(lambda (env succeed fail)
(vproc env
(lambda (val fail2)
(set-variable-value! var val env)
(succeed 'ok
(lambda () (fail2))))
;;;Procedure applications
(define (analyze-application exp)