189 lines
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;;;;loaded by load-eceval.scm and by load-eceval-compiler.scm
;;;;FIRST A LOT FROM 4.1.2-4.1.4
;(load "ch5-syntax.scm"); ;section 4.1.2 syntax procedures
(load "misc/sicp-eceval-syntax.scm") ;section 4.1.2 syntax procedures
;;;SECTION 4.1.3
;;; operations used by compiled code and eceval except as noted
(define (true? x)
(not (eq? x false)))
;;* not used by eceval itself -- used by compiled code when that
;; is run in the eceval machine
(define (false? x)
(eq? x false))
;;following compound-procedure operations not used by compiled code
(define (make-procedure parameters body env)
(list 'procedure parameters body env))
(define (compound-procedure? p)
(tagged-list? p 'procedure))
(define (procedure-parameters p) (cadr p))
(define (procedure-body p) (caddr p))
(define (procedure-environment p) (cadddr p))
;;(end of compound procedures)
(define (enclosing-environment env) (cdr env))
(define (first-frame env) (car env))
(define the-empty-environment '())
(define (make-frame variables values)
(cons variables values))
(define (frame-variables frame) (car frame))
(define (frame-values frame) (cdr frame))
(define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
(set-car! frame (cons var (car frame)))
(set-cdr! frame (cons val (cdr frame))))
(define (extend-environment vars vals base-env)
(if (= (length vars) (length vals))
(cons (make-frame vars vals) base-env)
(if (< (length vars) (length vals))
(error "Too many arguments supplied" vars vals)
(error "Too few arguments supplied" vars vals))))
(define (lookup-variable-value var env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan vars vals)
(cond ((null? vars)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? var (car vars))
(car vals))
(else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame)))))
(env-loop env))
(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
(define (env-loop env)
(define (scan vars vals)
(cond ((null? vars)
(env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
((eq? var (car vars))
(set-car! vals val))
(else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
(if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
(error "Unbound variable -- SET!" var)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame)))))
(env-loop env))
(define (define-variable! var val env)
(let ((frame (first-frame env)))
(define (scan vars vals)
(cond ((null? vars)
(add-binding-to-frame! var val frame))
((eq? var (car vars))
(set-car! vals val))
(else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
(scan (frame-variables frame)
(frame-values frame))))
;;;SECTION 4.1.4
(define (setup-environment)
(let ((initial-env
(extend-environment (primitive-procedure-names)
(define-variable! 'true true initial-env)
(define-variable! 'false false initial-env)
(define (primitive-procedure? proc)
(tagged-list? proc 'primitive))
(define (primitive-implementation proc) (cadr proc))
(define primitive-procedures
(list (list 'car car)
(list 'cdr cdr)
(list 'cons cons)
(list 'null? null?)
;;above from book -- here are some more
(list '+ +)
(list '- -)
(list '* *)
(list '= =)
(list '/ /)
(list '> >)
(list '< <)
(define (primitive-procedure-names)
(map car
(define (primitive-procedure-objects)
(map (lambda (proc) (list 'primitive (cadr proc)))
(define apply-in-underlying-scheme apply)
(define (apply-primitive-procedure proc args)
(primitive-implementation proc) args))
(define (prompt-for-input string)
(newline) (newline) (display string) (newline))
(define (announce-output string)
(newline) (display string) (newline))
(define (user-print object)
(if (compound-procedure? object)
(display (list 'compound-procedure
(procedure-parameters object)
(procedure-body object)
(display object)))
;;; Simulation of new machine operations needed by
;;; eceval machine (not used by compiled code)
;;; From section 5.4.1 footnote
(define (empty-arglist) '())
(define (adjoin-arg arg arglist)
(append arglist (list arg)))
(define (last-operand? ops)
(null? (cdr ops)))
;;; From section 5.4.2 footnote, for non-tail-recursive sequences
(define (no-more-exps? seq) (null? seq))
;;; From section 5.4.4 footnote
(define (get-global-environment)
;; will do following when ready to run, not when load this file
;;(define the-global-environment (setup-environment))
;;; Simulation of new machine operations needed for compiled code
;;; and eceval/compiler interface (not used by plain eceval machine)
;;; From section 5.5.2 footnote
(define (make-compiled-procedure entry env)
(list 'compiled-procedure entry env))
(define (compiled-procedure? proc)
(tagged-list? proc 'compiled-procedure))
(define (compiled-procedure-entry c-proc) (cadr c-proc))
(define (compiled-procedure-env c-proc) (caddr c-proc))