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2021-05-02 00:30:24 +02:00
(load "shared/util")
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
(load "shared/ch5-regsim")
(load "shared/ch5-compiler")
(load "shared/ch5-eceval-support")
(display "\nex-5.50 - compile-metacircular-evaluator\n")
(define mceval-code
(let ((port (open-input-file "shared/ch4-mceval.scm")))
(read port)))
(define mceval-compiled
(list '(assign env (op get-global-environment)))
(statements (compile mceval-code 'val 'next))))
;; write assembly to file for debug purposes
; (let ((port (open-output-file "f-mceval-compiled.scm")))
; (define (write-list-to-port xs port)
; (if (null? xs) '()
; (begin (display (car xs) port) (display "\n" port)
; (write-list-to-port (cdr xs) port))))
; (write-list-to-port mceval-compiled port)
; (close-output-port port))
(define eceval-operations (list
(list 'list list)
(list 'cons cons)
(list 'true? true?)
(list 'false? false?) ;for compiled code
(list 'make-procedure make-procedure)
(list 'compound-procedure? compound-procedure?)
(list 'procedure-parameters procedure-parameters)
(list 'procedure-body procedure-body)
(list 'procedure-environment procedure-environment)
(list 'extend-environment extend-environment)
(list 'lookup-variable-value lookup-variable-value)
(list 'set-variable-value! set-variable-value!)
(list 'define-variable! define-variable!)
(list 'primitive-procedure? primitive-procedure?)
(list 'apply-primitive-procedure apply-primitive-procedure)
(list 'prompt-for-input prompt-for-input)
(list 'announce-output announce-output)
(list 'user-print user-print)
(list 'empty-arglist empty-arglist)
(list 'adjoin-arg adjoin-arg)
(list 'last-operand? last-operand?)
(list 'no-more-exps? no-more-exps?) ;for non-tail-recursive machine
(list 'get-global-environment get-global-environment)
;;for compiled code (also in eceval-support.scm)
(list 'make-compiled-procedure make-compiled-procedure)
(list 'compiled-procedure? compiled-procedure?)
(list 'compiled-procedure-entry compiled-procedure-entry)
(list 'compiled-procedure-env compiled-procedure-env)
(define the-global-environment (setup-environment))
(define mceval-machine
'(exp env val proc argl continue unev)
(start mceval-machine)
;; (factorial 5) computed by compiled mceval executed by register simulator
(assert (get-register-contents mceval-machine 'val) 120)
;; Uncomment driver loop within shared/ch4-mceval.scm and load in mit-scheme
;; for REPL:
; λ symposium sicp → λ git master* → mit-scheme
; 1 ]=> (load "ex-5_50-52")
; ;;; M-Eval input:
; (define (f n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))
; ;;; M-Eval value:
; ok
; ;;; M-Eval input:
; (f 10)
; ;;; M-Eval value:
; 3628800
; #magic
2021-05-02 00:30:24 +02:00
(display "\nex-5.51 - Scheme Interpreter in Rust\n")
2021-05-02 00:30:24 +02:00
2021-06-04 03:25:36 +02:00
; I have implemented a crude Scheme interpreter in Rust:
(display "[ok]\n")
(display "\nex-5.52 - Scheme to C Translator\n")
2021-06-04 03:25:36 +02:00
(load "shared/scm2c/translator")
(define c-preamble '(
"#include <stdio.h>"
"#include <stdint.h>"
"#include <stdlib.h>"
"#include \"datum.h\""
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
"#include \"env.h\""
"#include \"stack.h\""
"int main() {"
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
" datum *val, *argl, *proc;"
" void *continu, *entry;"
" environment *env = get_global_environment();"
" stack *proc_stack = create_stack();"
" stack *env_stack = create_stack();"
" stack *argl_stack = create_stack();"
" stack *continu_stack = create_stack();"
(define c-epilog '(
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
" print_datum(val);"
" printf(\"\\n\");"
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
(define (compile-to-file file-name code)
(define (write-list-to-line xs port)
((null? xs) '())
((pair? xs) (display (car xs) port)
(write-list-to-line (cdr xs) port))
(else (display xs port))))
(define (write-list-to-port xs port)
(if (null? xs) '()
(begin (write-list-to-line (car xs) port)
(display "\n" port)
(write-list-to-port (cdr xs) port))))
(let ((port (open-output-file file-name))
(stmts (statements (compile code 'val 'next))))
(write-list-to-port c-preamble port)
(write-list-to-port stmts port)
(write-list-to-port c-epilog port)
(display "[cc ") (display file-name)
(display "]") (newline)
(close-output-port port)))
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
(define (fac n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(define (fib n) (if (< n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))
(fac 10)))
; I haven't implemented all expressions and data types, so I cannot
; λ → cd shared/scm2c/
; λ → make
; λ → ./aout
; 3628800
; I haven't implemented all expressions and datatypes, so I cannot compile the
; metacircular evaluator. Nevertheless, I have implemented procedure
; definitions and environment support, and I can compute factorials and
; Fibonacci numbers. That's all that ever counts. The whole C program is a
; massive memory leak that I could resolve by using reference-counting
; pointers. I am happy, grateful, and proud that I have finished working
; through this book. All that remains are the summaries for Chapters 4 and 5,
; and then I will move on to even more ambitious goals. LFG!
2021-06-13 01:49:53 +02:00
(display "[FIN :]\n")