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Aufl.}, ISBN = {978-1-441-98237-7}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Science \& Business Media}, ADDRESS = {Berlin Heidelberg}, } // for nyquist theorem @BOOK{Seibt2007, AUTHOR = {Seibt, Peter}, YEAR = {2007}, TITLE = {Algorithmic Information Theory - Mathematics of Digital Information Processing}, EDITION = {}, ISBN = {978-3-540-33219-0}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Science \& Business Media}, ADDRESS = {Berlin Heidelberg}, } // used to show show what autosar is about @inproceedings{heinecke2006autosar, title={AUTOSAR--Current results and preparations for exploitation}, author={Heinecke, Harald and Bielefeld, J{\"u}rgen and Schnelle, Klaus-Peter and Maldener, Nico and Fennel, Helmut and Weis, Oliver and Weber, Thomas and Ruh, Jens and Lundh, Lennart and Sand{\'e}n, Tomas and others}, booktitle={Euroforum conference May 3rd}, year={2006} } //checked @inproceedings{rafiq2013systematic, title={Systematic Modeling of Workflows in Trace-Based Software Debugging and Optimization}, author={Rafiq, Salman and Schmidt, Adriaan}, booktitle={ICSEA 2013, The Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances}, pages={241--248}, year={2013} } //checked @inproceedings{kraft2010trace, title={Trace recording for embedded systems: Lessons learned from five industrial projects}, author={Kraft, Johan and Wall, Anders and Kienle, Holger}, booktitle={Runtime Verification}, pages={315--329}, year={2010}, organization={Springer Berlin Heidelberg} } @article{vermeulen2008overview, title={Overview of debug standardization activities}, author={Vermeulen, Bart and Stollon, Neal and Kuhnis, Rolf and Swoboda, Gary and Rearick, Jeff}, journal={Design \& Test of Computers, IEEE}, volume={25}, number={3}, pages={258--267}, year={2008}, publisher={IEEE} } @book{kuipers2012uniform, title={Uniform distribution of sequences}, author={Kuipers, Lauwerens and Niederreiter, Harald}, year={2012}, publisher={Courier Dover Publications} } @inproceedings{mink1987hardware, title={Hardware-Assisted Multiprocessor Performance Measurement}, author={Mink, Alan and Draper, Jesse M. and Roberts, John W. and Carpenter, Robert J.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 12th IFIP WG 7.3 International Symposium on Computer Performance Modelling}, pages={151--168}, year={1987}, organization={North-Holland Publishing Co.} } //checked @inproceedings{mayer2012compact, title={Compact function trace (CFT)}, author={Mayer, Albrecht and Deml, Reinhard}, booktitle={System, Software, SoC and Silicon Debug Conference (S4D), 2012}, pages={1--2}, year={2012}, organization={IEEE} } //checked @misc{greenberger1994high, title={High-speed integrated circuit testing with JTAG}, author={Greenberger, Alan J. and Sam, Homayoon}, year={1994}, month=oct # "~11", publisher={Google Patents}, note={US Patent 5,355,369} } //checked @inproceedings{cousineau1999design, title={Design of a JTAG based run time reconfigurable system}, author={Cousineau, Cynthia and Laperle, Fran{\c{c}}ois and Savaria, Yvon}, booktitle={Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 1999.}, pages={268--269}, year={1999}, organization={IEEE} } // infineon trace device. @BOOK{Stollon2010, AUTHOR = {Stollon, Neal}, YEAR = {2010}, TITLE = {On-Chip Instrumentation - Design and Debug for Systems on Chip}, EDITION = {1. Aufl.}, ISBN = {978-1-441-97563-8}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Science \& Business Media}, ADDRESS = {Berlin Heidelberg}, } // Nexus information - used in standards section @misc{nexus, title = {{Nexus Training}}, author = {Lauterbach GmbH}, howpublished = {\url{www.lauterbach.com}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-09-17}, year = {{2013}} } //pdfs // checked @misc{tricoreman, title = {TriCore User Manual (Volume 1)}, author = {Infineon Technologies AG}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.infineon.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16}, year = {{2012}} } // aurora trace specification @misc{aurora, author = {{Xilinx, Inc.}}, title = {{Aurora 8B/10B Protocol Specification}}, year = {{2010}}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.xilinx.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16} } // aurix emulation device source @misc{aurix, title = {TriCore Brochure including AURIX}, author = {Infineon Technologies AG}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.infineon.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16} } // arm core sight manual @misc{armptm, title = {ARM CoreSight Trace Architecture Specification}, author = {ARM}, howpublished = {\url{http://infocenter.arm.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16} } //urls //trace speed aurora - checked @misc{tricoreaurora, title = {Infineon TriCore AURIX Microcontroller Debug Support by UDE Debugger/Emulator}, author = {PLS Programmierbare Logik \& Systeme GmbH}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.pls-mc.com/content/view/52/244/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16} } //tricore on-chip debug logic explanation - checked @misc{tricorewinidea, Key = {{Infineon Aurix OCD Configuration WinIDEA}}, author = {iSYSTEM AG für Informatiksysteme}, title = {OCD TriCore Configuration}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.isystem.com/downloads/winIDEA/help/index.html?OCDTriCore.html}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16} } // hardware access hardware @misc{isystem, author = {iSYSTEM AG für Informatiksysteme}, title = {iSYSTEM Target Access Hardware}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.isystem.com/products/hardware}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-05-16} } @misc{tainspector, author = {{Timing Architects Embedded Systems GmbH}}, title = {Timing Architects Tool Suite Simulator}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.timing-architects.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-09-20} } @misc{lauterbachevidence, author = {{Lauterbach and Evidence}}, type = {Press Release}, title = {{Lauterbach and Evidence Collaborate on OSEK/VDX Tool Chain}}, howpublished = {\url{http://erika.tuxfamily.org/drupal/news/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-09-27} } @misc{lauterbachdoc, author = {Lauterbach GmbH}, title = {{Debugger mit Rückspiegel - Trace-Techniken im Überblick}}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.lauterbach.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-09-30} } @misc{isystemprofiler, author = {iSYSTEM AG für Informatiksysteme}, title = {Technical Document Profiler Concepts}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.isystem.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2014-09-16} } //norms - checked @misc{iso26262, Key = {{ISO 26262}}, publisher = {{ISO, Geneva, Switzerland}}, type = {{Norm}}, title = {{Road vehicles - Functional safety}}, number = {{ISO 26262}}, year = {{2011}}, } @misc{ieee1149, Key = {{IEEE1149}}, type = {{Norm}}, title = {{Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture}}, number = {{IEEE 1149}}, year = {{2012}}, } @book{doebelin1983measurement, title={Measurement systems}, author={Doebelin, Ernest O.}, year={1983}, publisher={McGraw-Hill} } @book{myers2011art, title={The art of software testing}, author={Myers, Glenford J and Sandler, Corey and Badgett, Tom}, year={2011}, publisher={John Wiley \& Sons} } # intro.tex @misc{sendall2003model, title={Model transformation the heart and soul of model-driven software development}, author={Sendall, Shane and Kozaczynski, Wojtek}, booktitle={Software, IEEE (Volume: 20, Issue: 5)}, organization={IEEE}, year={2003} } @misc{tatoolsuite, author = {{Timing Architects Embedded Systems GmbH}}, title = {Timing Architects Tool Suite}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.timing-architects.com/}}, note = {Accessed: 2015-03-10} } @misc{sailer2014autosar, author = {{Andreas Sailer}}, title = {{Timing Simulation of Multi-Core based AUTOSAR Models}}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.timing-architects.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Log-In_Miscellaneous/Whitepaper_Timing_Simulation_AUTOSAR.pdf}}, note = {Accessed: 2015-03-10} } # intro.tex @BOOK{Kopetz2011, AUTHOR = {Kopetz, Hermann}, YEAR = {2011}, TITLE = {Real-Time Systems - Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications}, EDITION = {2. 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