
217 lines
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2020-08-20 17:39:46 +02:00
% {{{ Packages
pdfauthor={Felix Martin},
% }}}
% {{{ Glossary
\newglossaryentry{osek}{name=OSEK/VDX, description={Offene Systeme und deren
Schnittstellen für die Elektronik in Kraftfahrzeugen}}
\newglossaryentry{osekos}{name={OSEK OS}, description={OSEK Operating System}}
\newglossaryentry{orti}{name=ORTI, description={OSEK Run Time Interface}}
\newglossaryentry{os}{name=OS, description={Operating System}}
\newglossaryentry{ta}{name=TA, description={Timing-Architects Embedded Systems GmbH}}
\newglossaryentry{ecu}{name=ECU, description={Engine Control Unit}}
\newglossaryentry{autosar}{name=AUTOSAR, description={AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture}}
\newglossaryentry{autosaros}{name={AUTOSAR OS}, description={AUTOSAR Operating System}}
\newglossaryentry{api}{name=API, description={Application Programming Interface}}
\newglossaryentry{io}{name=I/O, description={Input/Output}}
\newglossaryentry{mcal}{name=MCAL, description={Microcontroller Abstraction Layer}}
\newglossaryentry{isr}{name=ISR, description={Interrupt Service Routine}}
\newglossaryentry{osekcc}{name=CC, description={OSEK Conformance Class}}
\newglossaryentry{mta}{name=MTA, description={Multiple Task Activation}}
\newglossaryentry{vfb}{name=VFB, description={Virtual Function Bus}}
\newglossaryentry{id}{name=ID, description={Identifier}}
\newglossaryentry{oil}{name=OIL, description={OSEK Implementation Language}}
\newglossaryentry{koil}{name=KOIL, description={Kernel Object Interface Language}}
\newglossaryentry{pob}{name=POB, description={Processor Observation Block}}
\newglossaryentry{bob}{name=BOB, description={Bus Observation Block}}
\newglossaryentry{etm}{name=ETM, description={Embedded Trace Macrocell}}
\newglossaryentry{dma}{name=DMA, description={Direct Memory Access}}
\newglossaryentry{agbt}{name=AGBT, description={Aurora Gigabit Interface}}
\newglossaryentry{imds}{name=IMDS, description={Infineon Multicore Debug Solution}}
\newglossaryentry{jtag}{name=JTAG, description={Joint Test Action Group}}
\newglossaryentry{daq}{name=DAQ, description={Data AcQuisition}}
\newglossaryentry{elf}{name=ELF, description={Executable and Linkable Format}}
\newglossaryentry{btf}{name=BTF, description={Best Trace Format}}
\newglossaryentry{oem}{name=OEM, description={Original equipment manufacturer}}
\newglossaryentry{rte}{name=RTE, description={Real Time Evaluation}}
\newglossaryentry{ipa}{name=IPA, description={Inter-Process Activation}}
\newglossaryentry{ee}{name=EE, description={ERIKA Enterprise Operating System}}
\newglossaryentry{rpc}{name=RPC, description={Remote Procedure Call}}
% }}}
% {{{ Get nice chapter titles
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% {{{ Package for adding todo comments to pdf
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% {{{ Provide meta info
\author{Felix Martin}
\title{Recording of an Operating System Aware Hardware Trace}
% }}}
% {{{ Title
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% }}}
% {{{ Abstract and List of contents
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% }}}
% {{{ Content
% * Show what related tools cannot do
% * AUTOSAR OS measures task execution times
% *
% * Figure out how they do it and why we are better
% *
% *
% * Paper von Andreas von den Typen in Muenchen vom Tuev/Frauenhofer
% * System level performance analysis for real-time automotive multicore and network architectures
% *
% * MultiCore Benefits & Challenges for Automotive Applications
% *
% }}}
% {{{ Appendix
% Some work is necessary to get the appendix as we want it. At first we
% change chapter numbers to letters (Alph). Then we reset the counter. This
% confuses hyperref which is why we have to renew theHchapter.
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{\thesection}List of Figures}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{\thesection}List of Tables}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{\thesection}List of Listings}
% Bibliographie
% see for help
% this helps to get bibtex entries
% Verzichtserklärung
% }}}