import datetime as dt import pandas as pd import util import indicators from qlearning_robot.QLearner import QLearner as Learner from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Holding: cash: int shares: int equity: int class QLearner(object): def __init__(self, verbose=False, impact=0.0, commission=0.0, testing=False, n_bins=5): self.verbose = verbose self.impact = impact self.commission = commission self.testing = testing # Decides which type of order df to return. self.indicators = ['macd_diff', 'rsi', 'price_sma_8'] self.n_bins = n_bins self.bins = {} self.num_states = self.get_num_states() self.num_actions = 3 # buy, sell, hold self.learner = Learner(self.num_states, self.num_actions) def row_to_state(self, holding, df_row): """Transforms a row into a state value.""" holding = (holding + 1000) // 1000 assert(holding in [0, 1, 2]) # For each indicator that goes into the state the interval becomes # smaller based on how many bins the indicator has. The first # 'indicator' is the information about how many shares we are currently # holding. So for example, if I have 450 states then the intervall (aka # remaining_states) is 150 because there are three values for holding: # holding = 0 -> state = 0 * 150 = 0 # holding = 1 -> state = 1 * 150 = 150 # holding = 2 -> state = 2 * 150 = 300 remaining_states = self.num_states // 3 state = holding * remaining_states for indicator in self.indicators: value = df_row[indicator] bin_n = self.indicator_value_to_bin(indicator, value) remaining_states //= self.n_bins state += bin_n * remaining_states return state def indicator_value_to_bin(self, indicator, value): for i, upper_bound in enumerate(self.bins[indicator]): if value < upper_bound: return i return i + 1 def add_indicators(self, df, symbol): """Add indicators for learning to DataFrame.""" for indicator in self.indicators: if indicator == "macd_diff": indicators.macd(df, symbol) df.drop(columns=["macd", "macd_signal"], inplace=True) elif indicator == "rsi": indicators.rsi(df, symbol) elif indicator.startswith("price_sma_"): period = int(indicator.replace("price_sma_", "")) indicators.price_sma(df, symbol, [period]) df.drop(columns=["SPY"], inplace=True) df.dropna(inplace=True) def bin_indicators(self, df): """Create bins for indicators.""" for indicator in self.indicators: ser, bins = pd.qcut(df[indicator], self.n_bins, retbins=True) self.bins[indicator] = bins[1:self.n_bins] def get_num_states(self): """Return the total num of states.""" num_states = 3 # Three states holding (1000, 0, -1000) for _ in self.indicators: num_states *= self.n_bins return num_states def handle_order(self, action, holding, adj_closing_price): shares = 0 if action == 0: # buy if holding.shares == 0 or holding.shares == -1000: shares = 1000 elif action == 1: # sell if holding.shares== 0 or holding.shares == 1000: shares = -1000 elif action == 2: # hold shares = 0 cost = shares * adj_closing_price if shares != 0: # Charge commission and deduct impact penalty -= self.commission -= (self.impact * adj_closing_price * abs(shares)) -= cost holding.shares += shares holding.equity = + holding.shares * adj_closing_price def get_reward(self, equity, new_equity): if new_equity > equity: return 1 return -1 def train(self, df, symbol, sv): holding = Holding(sv, 0, sv) row = df.iloc[0] state = self.row_to_state(holding.shares, row) action = self.learner.querysetstate(state) adj_closing_price = row[symbol] equity = holding.equity self.handle_order(action, holding, adj_closing_price) for index, row in df.iloc[1:].iterrows(): adj_closing_price = row[symbol] new_equity = + holding.shares * adj_closing_price r = self.get_reward(equity, new_equity) s_prime = self.row_to_state(holding.shares, row) a = self.learner.query(s_prime, r) equity = new_equity self.handle_order(a, holding, adj_closing_price) if self.verbose: print(f"{holding=} {s_prime=} {r=} {a=}") def addEvidence(self, symbol="IBM", sd=dt.datetime(2008, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), sv=10000): df = util.get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed)) self.add_indicators(df, symbol) self.bin_indicators(df) for _ in range(15): self.train(df, symbol, sv) def testPolicy(self, symbol="IBM", sd=dt.datetime(2009, 1, 1), ed=dt.datetime(2010, 1, 1), sv=10000): df = util.get_data([symbol], pd.date_range(sd, ed)) orders = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index) orders["Symbol"] = symbol orders["Order"] = "" orders["Shares"] = 0 shares = orders["Shares"] self.add_indicators(df, symbol) holding = 0 for index, row in df.iterrows(): state = self.row_to_state(holding, row) action = self.learner.querysetstate(state) if action == 0: # buy if holding == 0 or holding == -1000: holding += 1000 orders.loc[index, "Shares"] = 1000 elif action == 1: # sell if holding == 0 or holding == 1000: holding -= 1000 orders.loc[index, "Shares"] = -1000 elif action == 2: # hold pass if self.testing: return orders else: return orders[["Shares"]]