# ML4T This is my solution to the ML4T course exercises. The main page for the course is [here](http://quantsoftware.gatech.edu/Machine_Learning_for_Trading_Course). The page contains a link to the [assignments](http://quantsoftware.gatech.edu/CS7646_Spring_2020#Projects:_73.25). There are eight projects in total. The summer 2020 page is [here](http://lucylabs.gatech.edu/ml4t/summer2020/). To set up the environment I have installed the following packages on my Linux Manjaro based system. ``` sudo pacman -S python-pandas --asdeps python-pandas-datareader python-numexpr \ python-bottleneck python-jinja python-scipy python-matplotlib \ python-numpy ``` I am also using [mplfinance](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance) to plot candlestick-charts. You can install mplfinance via pip and find the tutorial [here](https://github.com/matplotlib/mplfinance#tutorials). ``` pip install mplfinance --user ``` I have included the archived version of the exercise. To extract them run the following command. The `-n` flag makes unzip never overwrite existing files. ``` unzip -n zips/*.zip -d ./ ``` # Reports - [Report 1](./martingale/martingale.md) - [Report 2](./optimize_something/optimize_something.md) - [Report 3](./assess_learners/assess_learners.md) - No reports for projects 4 (defeat learners) and 5 (marketsim) - [Report 6](./manual_strategy/manual_strategy.md) - No report for project 7 - [Report 8](./strategy_evaluation/strategy_evaluation.md)